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General Discussion

Bin tax

22 Jul 2022 16:17

Latest info is council will not collect garden waste for two weeks over the Xmas period.

Bin tax now  £50/ year so paying for less services but no reduction in cost. Where will all the money saved (25k subscribers in Teignbridge ) end up ?????  Chances  of this being made an ongoing action and not a temporary measure Answers on a postcard 

Another reason why the lib Dems have to go ......roll on local  next elections

1 Agree
22 Jul 2022 16:55

I seem to remember them saying that they would scrap the charge for green garden waste if they were in charge of the council. They put it up by £5 instead for the first year they were elected and now we have to pay another £5 p.a. for fewer collections. Makes sense doesn't it!

p.s. our local elections are next May.

2 Agrees
22 Jul 2022 18:41

  I pay for my garden waste collection I am retired and have reported on many occaision to a neighbour  who is a business man and just put alll his garden waste in the black bin

2 Agrees
26 Jul 2022 07:42

One thing you can guarantee as the years trundle on is the council taxes will continue to increase and the services decline. Whilst, in my opinion, councillor's wages and benefits will more than likely increase.

No different to the m.p's who are professionals at manipulating the truth to get their own way and then doing the complete opposite when they have what they want. Been going on for decades and people still vote in our so called democratic elections, what a joke and what a bunch of fools.

1 Agree
31 Jul 2022 12:25

Do what my neighbour does and just chuck it in the alley. I have called the council numerous times over the last ten years and fock all happens.

03 Aug 2022 14:26

@boo hope 

Unless you vote you cannot get change.Apathy is the greatest danger, if someone complains but does not vote then is it is hyprocisy to complain. You may not get changes that you want but you have cast your vote and done all you could.


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