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General Discussion

27 Nov 2021 11:54

Earlier this year a planning application was submitted to TDC for 4 dwellings to be built in the grounds of 23 Badlake Hill. Lots of objections were forthcoming many citing traffic movement and parking issues. This application has recently been refused. However I note the following:

1) It was refused on the grounds that it would be overdevelopment of the site and that it would create loss of privacy to house nos 1-6 Church View, Weech Road. Note that potential traffic issues were not a reason for refusal.

2) There have been previous planning applications submitted for this site, one in 2016 and one in 2019. Both were for two houses. Both were for outline planning permission. Both applications were granted, the 2019 one on 25.2.20. As it was outline planning permssion the consent is valid for 5 years from 25.2.20 which is time enough for a more detailed planning application to be submitted regarding the development of 2 houses.

In other words, what I am saying, is that just because this particular planning application (for 4 dwellings) has been refused the developer still has the option of submitting more detailed plans re developing the site for two dwellings between now and 25.2.25.    


Info below on the refused planning app for 4 dwellings.


Documents related to this Application are available here.

23 Badlake Hill, Dawlish, Devon, EX7 9BA
Dawlish South West
Four dwellings
Full Planning Application

Permission Refused  

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