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General Discussion

Two Dawlish councillors leave Lib Dems and become Independents?

29 May 2020 11:50

Just happened to be looking up some email addresses for our local councillors and noticed that two (Cllrs Petherick J and Petherick L) are now showing up as Independent rather than Lib Dem which was the ticket they were elected on this time last year.


I know no more than that. 

29 May 2020 18:56

let's be honest, who in thier right mind would want to be associated with the lib-dems after their performance so far in teignbridge council.........................

Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
29 May 2020 21:55

Which is why they have changed their minds about who and what they stand for..........again!! 

3 Agrees
30 May 2020 05:01

Have to confess that I've been distracted by the cummings and goings of national politics of late so not that familiar with what has been happening locally, politically, and as I no longer buy the Dawlish Gazette (does it still exist? Thought I read somewhere that it has ceased being) I've had no information from that source. 

So....what has been happening politically, locally, then?

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