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General Discussion

29 Apr 2020 08:14

I have received this. Thought I would repost it on here.


It's likely our gardens have been getting much more attention while we remain at home to help the NHS and beat the Corona-virus.

It's great for the gardens, but we're also hearing concerns about the number of garden bonfires and residents are asking what the rules are locally.

Well, there are no byelaws in Teignbridge against having a bonfire, but there are laws against the nuisance they can cause.

There are alternatives to a bonfire. For example, the green garden waste collection service from Teignbridge is still running and you can still order a green bin or even an additional bin. For more details, use this link to take you to the Teignbridge Council website or phone 01626 361101.

Also, rather than burn waste, it could be the opportunity to begin composting. There may well be an area of the garden which can be used for a compost heap which can also help put the nutrients back into the garden.

If there really is no alternative to a bonfire, here's some advice from the Environmental Health team at Teignbridge:

Bonfires - please be considerate

Please think carefully before lighting bonfires whilst the Coronavirus controls are in place.

Smoke or smell from them might affect neighbours and could aggravate any health conditions.

Cut up your woody garden waste and store it somewhere safe to dry out for the next few months.

Never burn garden waste that is still green or recently cut, and never burn any other household waste.

If you're bothered by a bonfire we suggest that you try and talk to the person responsible.

They may not realise they're causing a problem. If this doesn't resolve the problem or you can't talk to the person responsible, you can report it to us.

If you choose to have a bonfire, please consider the following guidelines:

  • please register all bonfires with the Fire Service on 0333 399 0014. This is so they can check in with you if they receive 999 calls reporting a fire in the same area.
  • ensure that plastics, rubber, painted materials, plywood and chipboard are not burned as they can give off poisonous chemicals - some of which can cause cancer
  • avoid having a bonfire when the wind is blowing in the direction of your neighbours
  • before lighting a bonfire, consult your neighbours as this will give them time to shut windows and bring washing inside
  • never use petrol, methyl spirits or similar to light the fire

There is a stiff penalty for people who light a fire and allow the smoke to drift across the road and become a danger to traffic.

Teignbridge can issue an 'abatement notice' if a bonfire is causing a nuisance. There's a fine of up to £5,000 for not following the rules of the notice. More information and for details about how to report a nuisance bonfire is available here -

We hope you are well and staying safe, remaining at home if at all possible. If you need help or advice, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

With best wishes,

Cllr Lin Goodman-Bradbury - - Tel 07980 958606

Cllr John Petherick - - Tel 01626 864655

Cllr Linda Petherick - - Tel 07515 452879

Cllr Gary Taylor - - Tel 07712 527101

Cllr Martin Wrigley - - Tel 07977 088888

3 Agrees
30 Apr 2020 12:45

More nanny state bumf,,,

1 Agree
30 Apr 2020 12:58

Are the national lock down measures nanny state bumf? 

2 Agrees
30 Apr 2020 15:15

Totally different, people have to get rid of  there green waste as council yards shut.We don't need the condescending messages from councillers. Funny how everyone leaps on the covid bandwagon when they are stuck for an answer.



2 Agrees
30 Apr 2020 17:37

As the council yards are shut because of the Covid 19 pandemic it is not a matter of jumping on the covid bandwagon.  If anything it is the Covid bandwagon that has jumped on us.

I have been following threads on Eyes of Dawlish and the issue of the nuisance of bonfires is a subject that has been raised and people are not happy. That is what prompted me to post the councillors' 'bonfire' message on this site.

So when the councillors say they have been contacted by people about this matter I am tempted to believe them. In response they (the councillors) are offering alternatives, advice and information.  If some see that as being condescending then so be it. 

You can't please all of the people all of the time, only some of the people some of the time or so it would seem. 


I now await accusations of my being condescending. 


However for those who wish to know more about bonfires and TDC please click on this link  






4 Agrees
01 May 2020 07:41

Your condescending

1 Agree
01 May 2020 09:24

Some people just have no common sense or consideration for others by lighting bonfires during the day, when (some) people like to have their doors open and/or have washing out.



How would you like it if a neighbour of yours lit smelly bonfires during the day?

It's NOT nanny state bumf what Lynnne  has stated,  just common sense which you obviously have none of because of your ridiculous comments!

2 Agrees
01 May 2020 16:12

So when would you like bonfires  at night.?So you speak for some  people? I also speak also for some people. How do you know the bonfires are smelly? is that because your neighbour does not burn dried wood It's only your opinion and i couldn't c care less what you think.Keep taking the tablets.

01 May 2020 17:52


I take it that the 'Some People' you speak for, are the totally selfish, irresponsible, inconsidorate idiots who don't care about anyone else except themselves.

You are obviousley one of them.

End Of!!!!!

4 Agrees
02 May 2020 14:59


More sweeping statements

How do you know all the people I talk to are idiots? You must be very clever.

How do you know all bonfires are smelly.?

Do you  know that I check with neighbours before a bonfire to ensure no washing is out etc. 

I suggest  you do  try and do a coherent response without just using sweeping statements as you obviously cannot rationalise discussion if it does not meet with your opinion.

1 Agree
03 May 2020 11:08



You have lost your argument as you do not have a clue what you are talking about.

03 May 2020 11:20

Like I said you just make sweeping statements......

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