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Sainsburys today would think it was just another day, not a mask in sight.

23 Mar 2020 13:39

I was the only one wearing a P3 mask and eye protection. Spent 40 mins meandering through the aisles while everyone else wandered passed each other from a couple of feet to  mere inches.

None of the staff had any protective gear other than a small bottle of hand sanatiser.

back to the car and wiped everything down with antiseptic wipes and hand gel. Back home sanatised all packaging and washed clothes and had a shower.

I might still get the virus, but at least I will have made an effort and not put others at risk if I am in the early stages of the virus.

1 Agree
23 Mar 2020 16:24

"Deedddle";  Well done for your sensible response! I also visited Sainsbury's reluctantly after my home delivery was cancelled due to nothing being available hence the "forced" visit in person.  I also wore a mask & goggles too and rightly so for as I approached the entrance a younger person passed me coughing repeatedly not once covering his mouth! Are you serious???  I walked right through that!   When inside I found the freezer section empty so total risk for nothing!!!  When I was leaving the store an older man stood by the exit doors also coughing, looking flushed and with a runny nose holding a handkerchief.    I returned home despondant and dismayed at the nonchalent attitude of my fellow humanity who besides "stock piling, me me me attitude" also decided to take no protection and play down this period of uncertanty!  I wish no illness on anyone but neither do they care about passing it on to us as I read a report of a man who said, "he's had the cough and fever for a few days and still goes out. His response to this was "well someone gave it to me so why should I care who gets it off me?"  I mean really???


1 Agree
23 Mar 2020 17:59

It's pretty useless to visit Sainsbury's at the moment. I've given up trying to get anything in there. Had to get a few things that I couldn't get in Co-op on Saturday so I reluctantly went out this afternoon, plenty of basic supplies in Costcutter. About half a dozen people in there & everyone giving everyone else a wide berth. They have also got a line for you to line up behind to give space for the till operators & a note that they would prefer card payments. Seems like a much more civilised way of behaving than the mad scrum that is Sainsbury's at the moment. Only thing I couldn't get was a daily paper but all the news is online anyway. We all just have to do our bit in these difficult times.

1 Agree
23 Mar 2020 20:32

@jock99 stay safe, @Cassandra thanks for the info..stay safe.

24 Mar 2020 02:04

Do your research.

Masks are useless, unless in a clinical situation, for those who have no symptoms. So essentially you are using up resources needed for those who have the disease where masks can be useful..

A runny nose indicates a cold or seasonal flu not coronavirus.


1 Agree
24 Mar 2020 08:52

@HuwMathews2    stupid is as stupid does my old gran use to say.


If you want to stroll around doing your shopping in a confined space with a hundred or so people coughing and sniffing and bumping into you by all means go ahead without a mask and eye protection.


Its your attitude that is allowing the virus to spread unchecked.



1 Agree
24 Mar 2020 08:57

"Huwmathews2":  Do your research!  Everything helps towards making life tough for the virus to enter your lungs! Yes, there is conflicting advice but I've yet to see any practitioner not wearing a mask. You carry on as you are without protection but don't tell us taking precautions that it's uneccessary! 


2 Agrees
24 Mar 2020 09:51

@jock99..well said.

24 Mar 2020 13:48

The problem is no one is certain how this virus works i listen to doctors from all over the world they all say different things it's better to be safe than sorry and i for one will be taking every precaution i can.

3 Agrees
24 Mar 2020 14:34

"Leatash":  Exactly!  quote;- " I for one will be taking every precaution I can".   Sensible and wise words indeed!  


2 Agrees
24 Mar 2020 16:32

I am over 70 with Asthma not serious but i use a inhaler twice daily so i have been in isolation for 17 days i love my walks so i go out every night at 1am my shopping is done online and i know how to use the basics to make great meals. My children used to visit a few times per week i havent seen them for 17 days but we have facetime etc it isnt hard to stay indoors, i honestly dont understand why folk have a problem with it. My theory there is a section of society who have never been used to the word NO and they have this why should i attitude, my message learn quick people because this virus will kill you.

5 Agrees
28 Mar 2020 16:20

From 'Nancy Andrews' (a NHS Nurse); posted on Facebook:

Sorry if I lose of any of you, but I need to get this off my chest. Your gloves and masks you’re wearing to the grocery store? Not going to help you. In fact, likely to do more harm. Here’s why:
1. As soon as you touch anything with your gloves they’re contaminated. Seriously. Grocery cart? That’s on your gloves. Touch your gloves to a can of soup? Transfer of germs. Wear those gloves into the car? Now on your steering wheel. I wear them at work for one task and remove. Then wash. Put on a new pair. I go through dozens in a shift. Just wash wash wash. Over and over.
2. That mask, it’s not helping you. It’s no more effective than staying 6feet away from someone. If you stay home, you don’t need it. You know who needs it? Me. I can’t start IVs, do cpr, suction airways and give meds from 6feet away. I NEED THE MASK. You should also know that after wearing a paper mask for roughly half an hour, the moisture from your breathing makes it penetrable. It’s no longer effective for you anyway. But it works for me to provide care to a single patient and remove it. If 5 of you didn’t use masks, I’d be protected for care of 5 patients.
3. Just stay home. I swear to you if I could I would. Open your windows. Clean out the fridge. Watch some Netflix. It’s a staycation. Just do it. So many people praising healthcare workers for going in and doing our jobs. It’s nice, but the best thank you we can get is to commit to stopping the spread. You might say when this is all over, it wasn’t as bad as we said it would be. That’s because what we advised worked. And if you want to complain about it being overkill, go for it. I’ll happily keep my mouth shut while you shame us for inconveniencing you.
4. Be kind. Please and thank you.

With love, Nurse Nancy


3 Agrees
30 Mar 2020 00:52

Seems to me that some people have 'panic bought' PPE - desperately needed elsewhere - and are now trying to justify what they have done.


Don't you regret anything, put it down to experience, learn from it and maybe you'll do better next time.


4 Agrees
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