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General Discussion

Barton Surgery and Lioyds pharmacy

06 Sep 2019 15:11

I have been with Barton surgery for over 15 years and over this time the outright attitude and competency, in my opinion, 

Has steadily spiralled downwards. Am I the only one who has experienced poor attitude from the receptionists, g.p's who don't listen to what you say, appointments deleted and then told you must have the wrong day and Lloyd's pharmacy who farm out any cheap copies of decent drugs to save a few quid at the expensive of patient's discomfort.


3 Agrees
06 Sep 2019 17:04

I recently visited the surgery and the doctor wanted to see me again within four weeks, I was given a note to take to the receptionist. I handed over the note and was told that I cannot have an appoinitment, when I enquied why not, I was told that this particular doctor had not sent in the rota so the receptionist had no idea when this doctor would be working. So what do I do now I asked, you will have to ring back at a later date.

06 Sep 2019 20:20

@majorp .. I wonder how many more people have experienced issues with Barton surgery/Lloyd's pharmacy. I might expect this sort of attitude from a retail store, but not from a

2 Agrees
07 Sep 2019 12:56

@majorp .... Many I would have thought. Don't get me wrong though, I believe the surgey does do very good work in general, but the attitude and incompetence by certain individuals let's it down


I don't need this hassle when I am trying to get my blood pressure down and the issue I am having is getting a correct supply of tablets. I have none currently and because of the ineptitude currently being displayed I have been without since the end of last month and every contact I have with Barton surgery just pushes it higher. Worse still Lloyd's had the correct tablets, but without the script being changed to the correct doses I cannot get them. Just writing this is getting my b.p. up.

2 Agrees
07 Sep 2019 16:02

I have nothing but excellent exoeriences with everyone at Barton Surgery and Lloyds! 

1 Agree
07 Sep 2019 16:17

I have always had amazing service from the surgery doctors have been brilliant 

2 Agrees
07 Sep 2019 18:47

Depends who you are and who you get to see I suppose. some people get privileges others don't

5 Agrees
10 Sep 2019 18:49

Hmmm that sounds suspiciously like life under a Tory or centrist Labour government cheeky Care to join the dots or live in your biased world forever?  Red or blue pill? lol

12 Sep 2019 15:22

15 day and 5 trips to the Barton surgery/Lloyd's pharmacy and I have at last got the blood pressure medication that I should have got 15 days ago. Although my blood pressure has taken a beating this last 15 days without medication.

Certainly not looking forward to next months repeat prescription challenge.

13 Sep 2019 07:47

I wasn't aware until a recent experience that Lloyd's pharmacy use a central assembly service for making up prescriptions(I assume repeat ones only) which is sited in Bristol. I only stumbled across this when picking up prescriptions which instead of the usual paper bag, were in large plastic bags with a completely see through back to it for all the world to see what medication you are on! There were 3 issues I had with this, the time appeared to take longer for collection but should I have urgently needed a part of the prescription they would have made it up locally but then I guess when the pre assembled bag came back they would have had to adjust it accordingly, the fact that plastic bags were now being used instead of the age old paper ones and the complete lack of privacy in the medication taken by an individual which I feel is unacceptable. You can apparently ask your local Lloyds to take you off the central assembly process and to be made up locally if you wish, I shall be trying this out soon!

2 Agrees
13 Sep 2019 11:31

For repeat scripts I always use systemonline. It goes to your doctor, they check your requirements, they punch in the items you want and send it to lloyds (electronically). lloyds then send you a message telling you when it is ready to collect.

13 Sep 2019 16:54

@majorp ...because I take several medication and after 12 months on the same manufacturers I had 2 of them changed to other manufacturers. I have had dangerous side effects from 2 of the drugs. 

When I get my scripts I can have 2 or more different drugs on one script. So when I go into Lloyd's or Boots if they have one drug by a manufacturer that works for me and one that does not I cannot get the script filled as I am unwilling to take the other drug that may a..put my b.p. through the roof, b...give me painful cramps for the month and/or have the trots all month.

I prefer to space out my scripts so I only get one item on a script at a time. The problem I have is getting the particular manufacturer that works for me without causing me other complications.

The obvious issue overall is, in my opinion, Barton just treat you like livestock and Lloyd's are more interested in having a good old chat with each other than putting their minds to their work.

I would rather just put in repeat scripts when required, but thanks for the info.

Brian Devon
Brian Devon
15 Sep 2019 15:58

Why use Lloyd's or Boot's ?,

  We use Warren Pharmacy Dawlish Warren, or Well Pharmacy in Teignmouth both do FREE Delivery in Dawlish.

1 Agree
25 Sep 2019 08:02

I use ECHO for my repeat prescriptions and so far they have been excellent. I requested a refill on my phone on Sunday and on Tuesday they were delivered. Great service.  It saves me from having to go pick it up from the pharmacy which means one less person in the queue.


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