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General Discussion

Water fowl

03 Aug 2019 10:05

I have noticed that there are many ducks of different kinds being bred in the avairy, yet i do not see many of those ducks in the actual avairy or put out on the stream, where are they going?

We used to have at least 14 swans now we are down to six. I have seen no Mandarins for ages and they are quite  atractive little birds.

Is the fowl being manage as it should be for the benefit of all?

1 Agree
03 Aug 2019 11:34

Might be worth asking  the people who run the wildfowl setup?

1 Agree
03 Aug 2019 14:53


I'll leave that to you, I do not know the people who run the wildfowl setup

04 Aug 2019 07:56

I have also noticed two gates which are now open either end of the path by the fountain. Those gates can only be closed via a traffic order. It is a public right of way

04 Aug 2019 10:25

The Town Council are responsible for the waterfowl.

I do remember hearing that the birds in the aviary were there for display and woudn't be released onto the stream.

The birds on the stream are wildfowl and not technically under the remit of the Council (except the swans)

None of it makes sense!

1 Agree
04 Aug 2019 15:28

If i remember correctly the Ducks and Swans are sold the proceeds offsetting the cost of Wardens and feed costs.

05 Aug 2019 09:33

But occasionally, when the swans haven't nested successfully (or some b***'s dog has killed the cygnets) then they do buy in Black Swans, possibly from Slimbridge.

1 Agree
09 Aug 2019 18:03

Any more suggestions as to what might be happening to the ducks/swans.

@leatash.Have you ever seen receipts of what has been sold or the address that they went too?

@Duckileaks. Who owns the gaggle of geese that are free to roam, they never get killed by someones dog? They are not technically wild fowl.  Why is it always the swans that fall foul to dogs/foxes as has been suggested.

15 Aug 2019 14:16

Cracked it! It appears that the council are too tight to pay decent wages and pay for the food, so I am told, they have allowed the warden to breed fancy ducks and sell them on to buy food and suppliment his wages.I have no idea why the swans which everyone comes to see have deminished,they cost nothing to feed.

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