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General Discussion

22 May 2019 12:40

I see that the webmaster is opposed to free speech. Not for the first time have topics been removed without any explanation-why?

22 May 2019 12:48

I am unable to PM you because you don't have messaging enabled.

Your post violates the terms of the site.

2 Agrees
22 May 2019 12:53

No humour allowed on this side - everthing must be PC, don't offend anyone and  agree with anyone, who calls you racist, homophobic, intorable, or any other title that does not fit in with the vocal minorities views.

22 May 2019 13:00

Duckileaks, as to your question as to why i find it funny- answer is because i have a sense of humour - try getting one.

1 Agree
22 May 2019 13:24

As I have no idea what the terms are of this site, perhaps you can let me know what they are. My topic is not offensive, it is fact.

22 May 2019 14:25

@majorp, it is objectionable material to a lot of people. I don't see how any reasonable discussion can come from it. All I can see is my email box filling up with complaints.

2 Agrees
22 May 2019 14:41

Webmaster your mail box maybe filling up with complaints but what part of the topic are they complaning about, let them complain to me and then and then maybe I will get a better understandiing of what to say and whot not to say? There is nothing in the topic that I can see to complain about. Isn't it what muslim's do? or have I been mislead all my life.

22 May 2019 15:00

@majorp, I doubt it would be legal to do that in the UK and many other countries.

2 Agrees
22 May 2019 19:11

@webmaster what would not be legal in th UK and many other countries?

All I have said is what they do and they agree to it' There must be something that you deem offensive, what is it? Perhaps one of the emailers to you could answer, then we will all know where we are going.

22 May 2019 19:32

@majorp, I've explained as best I can.

1 Agree
23 May 2019 19:24

You need to look at this. But before you do let me tell you all what I have been doing today, I have shown what I showed here on this site, but it has since been removed, to a lot of pepole here in Dawlish and asked them if they thought there ws anything offensive in it. I all cases the answer was no. In fact most said, "isn't that what they do anyway?". Now if you would care to watch the video, it may enlighten some of you.

1 Agree
23 May 2019 20:25



Give it a rest.

You always think you are far superior to anyone else on here.

Also, if anyone else put on what you submitted, you would have called them all the names under the sun including racist, so do us all a favour and for once, admit you are wrong and what would be even better, is to LEAVE.

1 Agree
23 May 2019 20:30

If you don't like the Webmasters decisions then leave. It's his/ hers house and they set the rules.

1 Agree
24 May 2019 06:39

You miss the point, is this group,  a place where you can post something that is factually "true" but is removed because other people don't like it,  what ever happened to "free speech"

Is the issue that the origional comment was a joke, however much in bad taste  was still a joke and people  need to grow up and take it as it was meant  within context without rushing out crying to condemn, because they did not like it.  It looks like a lot of people are not allowed to have a sense of humour for fear off offending all and sundry,

1 Agree
24 May 2019 08:16

There is no Sharia law in this country. There are Sharia councils who advise on religious matters and are often attached to Mosques. This is no law and has no legal standing. Kids are taught ALL religions in religious studies. You can't condemn one religion whilst promoting another. Christians have done awful things in the name of Christianity over the years. I'm all for wiping all of religion out of the world but through education and that will take time. I'll have a bet Farage hasn't read the bible recently or most of the people saying this is a Christian country. I think people would be surprised by what is in it.

1 Agree
24 May 2019 10:37

I always deal in facts no point in dealing any other way, I am not superior to anyone, if I don't know I will say so or say nothing. if that is Calamari view of me, then so be it. Nobody so far who access this site and read what others have written have come forward with an explanation as to why  anyone could object to what I wrote. I asked what part was objectionable ---no reponse. Akeem said in the joke that we are not barbarians, yet they stone others to death and he said that by saying what he did to his bride at the reception, is that not a barbaric act?, They chop off others hands if the are found stealing, what do others think of that?, they have forced marriages of any age. Is none of that fact? or have I like Calamari seems to think that I would called them racists if someone else hand posted it. Well that is not a fact, it is guess work as to what I would do. As a side note, has Calamari ever wondered why we are in such a mess over Brexit, it is because everyone just like him/her is guessing as to what might happen if we leave, but as I write this nobody knows, everyone is guessing and no one will know until we have left if we ever will. I hope we will leave but that remains to be seen. Now that TM has announced the date on which she will resign, all the guess work on that subject has gone, but whoever takes over from her, will be faced with the same problems, and whilst the bookies are making BJ to win. Let me say this bookies only ever predict the winner of any contest 1 in 10 times, so to me BJ will not be in, but that is only a guess. The only people that I know of who might object are any Muslim's that might have read the joke.

1 Agree
24 May 2019 11:17

@majorp I have no problem with people criticising Islam expecially when based on facts. The problem comes when there isn't equally the same criticism leveled at Christianity. This then seems like racism, whether that is the intention or not. Side note, most racists don't believe they are racist as there is always soemthing else they stand behind to say "I'm not being racist because...."

The US a very Christianity country has forced marriages due to statutory rape in some states.  The bible mentions a rapist having to pay the father of his victim and marry the girl (although the translation are debated).

Why is Islam criticised by the right leaning parties in the world? If you think that is because Islam is bad then you really haven't been paying attention to world.

2 Agrees
24 May 2019 12:23

1263 - I have a sense of humour, a very dark one at times (and I have had to develop that due to having seen some truly horrible things in the past), a silly one when with small children, a slightly weird one when with a particular friend who shares it. 

I don't find jokes about stoning women funny, I'm allowed to not find jokes about killing people in barbaric form funny, the same way I wouldn't find rape jokes funny (rape of men & women), or domestic violence etc etc.

I don't have a problem with jokes about religion, bring it on if it's genuinely funny I'll laugh providing you don't use humour to attack just one religion.

If you have an issue with Islam, then how about a reasoned debate rather then hide behind 'jokes'?

24 May 2019 12:44 don't have a problem with jokes about religion, so did you laugh at the monty python life of brian reagrding the cruxification ??? whats the difference christian/muslim, method of execution still barbaric , but normal people see it  for what it is, a joke or sketch which is funny, it does not imply that because of this people are necessary racist etc.....

p.s  Why would you imply I have an issue with Islam,?? and again would   I have an issue with christanity because I found the monty python sketch funny.?

 You seem to belong to the set of people who become self righteous  and try to tar everyone else with labels just because you do not agree with them.

24 May 2019 14:20

Never seen Life of Brian, not a fan of Monty Python except for the odd sketch - was probably too young at the time of their peak to really understand the appeal.

Anyone can laugh at whatever they want, entirely up to them. 

I'm not tarring anyone with any label, just the joke, that one joke in particular, which as I have said I (that's just me, not speaking for anyone else) didn't find appropriate for this site. 

If the OP would like to share that sort of joke elsewhere then fine, go right ahead won't bother me, I probably won't see it.

Very easy for you to make an assumption about the sort of person I am from the tiny bit of me you have seen here, I could say that you seem to be the sort of person who is quick to form a negative opinion of others but would that be fair?

24 May 2019 14:52

Here's the crux of the matter "Anyone can laugh at whatever they want, entirely up to them. "

Nuff said

1 Agree
24 May 2019 16:27

David Allen always took the Piss out of religion and he always ended all of his show's by saying, "may your god go with you". He never had a bad word said against hiw or I don't think so, because what he said was the truth but it was funny. And if you listen to Nigel Farage, you will know what is going on.

2 Agrees
03 Jun 2019 10:31

There is a fine line between a joke that is clever, funny and pointing out flaws in logic or the differences of a belief or culture and using a joke to demean and attack another person, race, culture or religion. This is why it is often debated what crosses that line. If you have a choice not to watch or listen or read what someone has to say then if you chose to consume that then don't complain that you were offended. If on the other hand it is there in a public forum then I beleive you have the right to be offended and can complain. If what is said is the truth and can be proven then that complaint should be ignored.

I didn't see the OP so I can't comment but this is a public forum so jokes should be posted with caution.


1 Agree
03 Jun 2019 17:47

So the part of the joke that may have offended some is quite bizzare really.

Akeem say's, 

"We're not all barbarians who do such awful stuff like that -
We're a tolerant and peaceful religion and deserve some damned respect."

And then at the end he tells his workmate what he did.

"We stoned her for drinking alcohol."

Now is not that barbaric.

1 Agree
04 Jun 2019 08:05

Thanks @majorp - ok so pointing out the flawed religious dogma then?

1 Agree
07 Jun 2019 14:54

@S  " Flawed dogma" ?????   what are you now speaking for muslims??  who might not believe that it is flawed dogma.

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