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General Discussion

09 Jan 2019 19:11
It is also true that she has given decades of devoted and impeccable service to the Conservative Party and works tirelessly for good causes, including those promoted by her local church. She is a good person who has committed a serious crime because of misguided loyalty to her Party and her political principles.
She was carried away by her conviction that the defeat of Nigel Farage
was an overwhelmingly important political objective. She was entitled to that view as a political judgment, but that did not entitle her to commit crime.
And she was very friendly with past prime ministers, so what else did she do that has not been discovered?
10 Jan 2019 11:20

 This random paragraph is meaningless.

1 Agree
10 Jan 2019 19:37


But I bet it keeps you guessig what it is all about.

Will you,I wonder, lose sleep over it?


12 Jan 2019 05:23

If you are still awake burnside!!!!!!

13 Jan 2019 18:47

Sunday times..Vince cable would put corybn in power if he backs a second referendum!!!! The lib Dems would do anything for a bit of power.!!!!!You could not

make it up with these clowns,..........!!!!

1 Agree
15 Jan 2019 15:00

Anne Marie Morris: I am delighted to be the last Back Bencher standing
to conclude the debate before the Front Benchers have their say. I
thought the referendum result was a great tribute to the British people.
It was a vote for opportunity, it was a vote of aspiration, and it was a
vote for freedom. Many in this Chamber would absolutely support that. My
real frustration is that this withdrawal agreement does...on that opportunity. It does not deliver on returning sovereignty to the British people. We will not gain sovereignty over our laws, over our borders or, indeed, over our sea. Most importantly, we will not have the freedom to trade with countries around the world, outside Europe, where the opportunity most certainly lies.



I think she would be better off joining the labour party.

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