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General Discussion

Another cock-up by DCC

05 Nov 2017 20:48

I have discovered another cock-up by DCC. I will not publish the details, unless there is a moderate ammount of interest.

That can be done by the "Agree". If there is not enough agree's then I shall not bother because it will show me that there is no interest in what your LA's are up too. And you can all go on paying through the nose via council tax.

8 Agrees
05 Nov 2017 23:20

So how many agree's do you need 2,4,6,8,10 ?

5 Agrees
06 Nov 2017 10:51

leatash, I will decide that. If I think there is not enough interested, then I will not trouble myself to put it on this site.

I have noticed that there appears to be plenty of apathy amomg readers of this site. No wonder the world is in the state that it is, (apathy is emdemic) until it affects them.

As of now, there is only one agree and that tells me more than you will ever know.

06 Nov 2017 11:37

Well you now have 8. Is that enough?

I, for one, am intrigued. Is the cock-up to do with highways by any chance?

06 Nov 2017 12:14

Well i just like to make the most of my life and you get to a time in life when you learn that it's like swimming against the tide you make small gains but at the end of the day you cant beat the system.  So knowing this i now wake up every morning and enjoy my life rather than being obsessed with what DCC are up to, life is simple stick to there rules whether right or wrong it makes no odds just stick to the rules because honestly it matters not one jot.

6 Agrees
Julias Sachin
Julias Sachin
06 Nov 2017 14:03

Major P move onto the Eyes of Dawlish facebook site. Your information will reach a lot more genuine viewers. Hardly anyone looks at this site anymore :(

1 Agree
06 Nov 2017 19:55

Lynne, You asked, "Is the cock-up to do with highways by any chance?" yes it has. It has cost DCC a lot to get this far with what they have done. It will now cost them a lot more to put things right and it is tax payers money they are playing around with. The same person (I believe) continues to make these cock-ups and it is time this person was brought to account. But they will continue to do it there way in the hope that no one will spot the wrong doings. They will continue to say "sorry boss, I thought I was saving you money", when all they are doing is costing the council more when they get found out. What isthe difference between and The Eyes of Dawlish? As is stated by Julias Sachin above

Diana Mond
Diana Mond
06 Nov 2017 20:34

Majorp, you’re on Facebook. So just do a search for Eyes of Dawlish when you’re on FB.


The three main differences are that the audience on Eyes of Dawlish is far larger, not everyone using it is over 55, and just about everyone uses their real name. 

06 Nov 2017 20:45

@majorp - have you ever thought of contacting the wider, more traditional, media about your findings? 

06 Nov 2017 22:48

Lynne, I have done that and sometimes they are interested and sometimes they are not. You see LA's pay huge sums to news papers for advertisments they place in their papers. If they report anything bad about what is going on in the LA's corridors of power, what do you think might happen? News papers are themselves under pressure, and most of their income comes from advertising and I understand that is on the wane because of thepower of the internet.

I have already reported one incident where (Torbay Borough Council has made a very grave error) to the editor of the Herald Express. That was on the 20th October 2017. I have not received a reply, althought he has opened and read my email.

07 Nov 2017 07:07

Try Private Eye - see if they are interested in your findings.

email address is:

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