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General Discussion

01 Nov 2017 19:27

A lady has posted this on Facebook -


Longlands, Stockton Hill, Priory park road,
Oak Park villas, School hill and Hospital hill, entrance to manor carpark.

We've just found out DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL are going to be placing PARKING METERS IN THE ABOVE LOCATIONS. ...

The torys are at it again...
£2.20 per 2 hours to park my car at home!!


I'll try and find if it's posted on the council sites somewhere for those with no access to Facebook.

01 Nov 2017 20:14

This has been on the cards for years residents parking was considered a number of years ago but shelved in favour of meters. Iwill add no one has the right to park outside there house it is a public highway so is open to any motorist. I already have pay and display outside my home so my car is parked 15 mins away and yes outside someone's home.

Diana Mond
Diana Mond
01 Nov 2017 22:08

That link doesn’t mention parking meters!  I’m guessing that this is the implementation of double yellows on specific stretches of the above-mentioned roads?

2 Agrees
01 Nov 2017 22:36

Diana Mond you are right hadn't read the atached its only the extension of double yellows.

2 Agrees
02 Nov 2017 08:58

I'm only posting for information and not saying whether it's right or wrong and sorry I can't find the document online - @Lynne not sure if your expertise can help me find it?

02 Nov 2017 09:10

I'll 'ave a ferret about and see what I can find.


edit @ 09.36 There is a meeting today (Thursday 2nd Nov) at Devon County Council concerning highway matters in Teignbridge. This link should take you to the agenda

It may well be that issues relating to on street parking in Dawlish could be an item. 


Click on this link to see the councillors who sit on this committee (one of whom is our County councillor, John Clatworthy)

02 Nov 2017 09:52
02 Nov 2017 10:01
Here's my attempt at copying and pasting what the report says with regard to Dawlish
ENV5614/22 Dawlish Longlands and No Waiting At To prevent inappropriate
Page 16
Agenda Item 6
Appendix II
Drawing No. Parish/Town Road Proposal Statement of reason
School Hill
Any Time and obstructive parking at
junction and maintain
visibility splays.
ENV5614/14 Dawlish
Oak Park Villas
and Elm Grove
Road junction
No Waiting At
Any Time
To prevent inappropriate
and obstructive parking at
junction and maintain
visibility splays.
ENV5614/23 Dawlish Longlands No Waiting At
Any Time
To prevent inappropriate
and obstructive parking at
junction and maintain
visibility splays.
ENV5614/68 Dawlish
Stockton Hill
and Priory Park
Road junction
and Hospital Hill
No Waiting At
Any Time
To prevent inappropriate
and obstructive parking at
junctions and maintain
visibility splays.
ENV5614/31 Dawlish
Manor House
(Dawlish Town
No Waiting At
Any Time
To prevent inappropriate
and obstructive parking at
junction and maintain
visibility splays.
ENV5614/8 Dawlish Brunswick Place
Convert Police
bay to Pay &
Police bay no longer
required enabling
additional on street
parking stock.
ENV5614/39 Dawlish Warren Outside No. 1-3
Warren Road
Convert No
Waiting At Any
Time to
Layby no longer used by
buses and would be
beneficial to utilise for
limited waiting for adjacent
ENV5614/26 Dawlish Warren Millin Way No Waiting At
Any Time
To prevent inappropriate
and obstructive parking at
junction and maintain
visibility splays.
02 Nov 2017 10:34

All I can say on this subject is, the latest consolidation order is here

It is through the traffic orders that over the years I have tripped DCC up. You see it costs a lot of money to produce a traffic regulation order or an amendment order and a lot to place the lines acording to the order.

If they can get away with it, they have been known to included other DY and SY where they have been ommitted in the advertised order they will. You have to be forever vigillant and don't believe that just because there is a double yellow placed on the road, it is a legal one.

For instance, in an advertised order, they may state the length of a SY, but when they linesmen come to place the lines on the road, they get it wrong acording to the instructions they have been given. That is where a metre wheel comes in handy so you can measure the length of the line put down against what is stated in the order.

Many of you will remember when they resurfaced the road from about just past the Marine garage to Shutterton. They placed double white lines in the middle of the road which was illegal. You can still see the mark in the middle of the road where they ground out the offending lines. A crew worked all through one night removing these lines which must have been at a tremendous cost to somebody. When I challenged Cllr Clatworthy at the time as to who would foot the bill, he claimed it would be the contractors. I know that was a lie because I know the contractors will only place on any road what is given as instructions (Ask the foreman of any of the linesmen) and he will show you what they are instructed to do. That is what happened to the in case above so I know that the laying of the DW lines were not the fault of the linesmen. DCC have satilite offices in each district of Devon, so that cockup amongst many was the fault of the office in Newton Abbot and yet (as far as I know) the head of that department is still there.

Some of you will remember when thousands were caught speeding on the stretch of road at Starcross. the same person was in charge then as is now. He denied right up untill he was dragged into court that there was nothing wrong, even two police officers lied but were found out. The judge ruled there were no speeding offences committed and all fines would need to be repaid and points would need to be removed from licences

I am sorry if I have bored some of you but I just wanted to demonstrate how it works. There is a paper trail for most everything and unless you follow a paper trail, you will never get to the real truth if you suspect there is wrong doing.


3 Agrees
02 Nov 2017 18:15

thanks @Lynne, i knew you'd find it!  i'm particularly interested in the oak park villas/elm grove road restriction which could impact where parents park, although i'm sure they'll just ignore the restrictions!

I've always wondered why DCC don't use the car park at the back for coaches to relieve the pressure along that road. Can you still walk from the back of the school out to the car park?

09 Nov 2017 08:29

See bottom page 4 in this week's Gazette for more info on the extension of double yellow lines in the areas I have mentioned above. 

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