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General Discussion

10 Jul 2017 18:10

Well, you lot voted for her so are you just as RACIST as she is?


Also, while on the subject, you ALL moan about the lack of Police, but who is responsible for the cuts?


You lot are trying to blame TDC or Dawlish council, but WHY dont you blame the Tories who MADE the cuts?


Bloomin hypocrites you lot are.

4 Agrees
10 Jul 2017 21:03

Folk have short memories was it not the bankers who landed us in this mess and all the cash borrowed to bail them out has to be repaid.  Anne Marie a slip of the tongue it was a everyday figure of speech 20 years ago and old habits die hard another figure of speech.

10 Agrees
From The Grave
From The Grave
10 Jul 2017 21:38

It was most definitely NOT an everyday figure of speech 20 years ago!!! And even if it was (which it wasn't), that doesn't justify the use of it in 2017 by anyone but especially someone supposedly as well educated as the MP elected in our constituency . It beggars belief that she is being defended on here - but there again...

2 Agrees
10 Jul 2017 22:12

A bit like blackboard or those fab pins from Robinsons' jam, i spent some time with some great folk from Northern Ireland last week when i asked what he wanted to be called he had a strange Irish name i couldn't remember his reply" just call me Paddy" strange or what.

2 Agrees
10 Jul 2017 22:27

The BBC recently broadcast a series about gay people that went under the highly offensive title of Queer Britain.  And they got away with it.  They wouldn't dare make a programme about the ethnic population with a similarly offensive title.

1 Agree
From The Grave
From The Grave
10 Jul 2017 22:31

So you both agree that it's totally unacceptable for her to have used those words?  


Burnside, you know as well as anyone else that "Queer" has been ironically adopted by a lot of our LGBT community. 

2 Agrees
From The Grave
From The Grave
10 Jul 2017 22:34

PS the word "blackboard" is offensive to no-one whatsoever. And never has been, apart from when used in old fake news in the Sun/Mail. As for Robinsons Jam, yes, calling people **** is and always has been offensive. To normal people anyway. 

2 Agrees
10 Jul 2017 22:34

@From The Grave

It's been adopted by some activists, there are many people who have not "reclaimed" the word and still find it as highly offensive now as in the past.

2 Agrees
From The Grave
From The Grave
10 Jul 2017 23:03

Fair enough Burnside. So do you agree that the MP for our constituency was wrong to use the word and has deservedly lost (for now at least) the Tory whip?

1 Agree
10 Jul 2017 23:32

Of course she shouldn't have used the expresson, although I don't think she was being wilfully racist in the way that Labour MP Diane Abbott is.

4 Agrees
Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
11 Jul 2017 09:10

@From The Grave, when i was teaching in an inner city area in the 80s the then labour run council issued instructions to all schools not to refer to blackboards, they were to be called chalk boards, as blackboard was racially offensive! 

2 Agrees
11 Jul 2017 09:35

If every m.p. had a digital tick a tape above their heads I think you would see the real picture in westminster.


After reading the above link from wikipedia I can see what she was describing, but astounded as to the phrase she used to descibe it.

The phrase she was recorded saying is obviously not acceptable in these current times and from someone in high office, although I haven't seen any riots taking place on the streets of the U.K. over this slip of the tongue.


1 Agree
11 Jul 2017 09:47

And thats the point it's a slip of the tongue it happens every day in every walk of life wake up people thats life.

4 Agrees
11 Jul 2017 09:56

@leatash - indeed, but some people have so little to do in their lives they make a mountain out of a mole hill, usually the saddest souls make the biggest meals of these little morsels, but i respect their opinion - obviously.

From The Grave
From The Grave
11 Jul 2017 10:58

Blackboards were changed to chalkboards because not all are black! Some were/are green and some are/were brown.  It's a total lie to say that it's because anyone deemed the word racially offensive.  If they were called n*boards then that would be a different matter - though even would still be defended by those who think it's a mountain out of a molehill. 

2 Agrees
Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
11 Jul 2017 11:38

How dare you call me a liar! I know what I read and was told as a teacher in the 80s in an inner city school. I expect an apology but obviously won't get one from the likes of you! 

4 Agrees
11 Jul 2017 12:37

@From The Grave, do you have to keep repeating the n word? I'm not happy with the use of racist words on this forum.


We all know what Anne Marie Morris said, as it's been all over the news and other websites, but please can it be discussed from hereon without using the N word or other racist words?

9 Agrees
11 Jul 2017 12:55

I would give up Margaret we live in a society that is told how diverse and tolerant British Society is well they must live on another planet it's diverse and tolerant only because the law tells us what not to say but under the surface nothing has changed freedom of speech i dont think so folk have learn't to watch there words but now and then things slip. 

2 Agrees
11 Jul 2017 14:46

What an absolute load of PC crap being blown up out of all proportion. This is supposed to be a country of free speech but it seems everytime this freedom of expression is used some arsehole in the background mutters racist. Get a grip people. We should be supporting our elected MP not agreeing with the idiots in westminster that dont give a shit about anyone or anything outside of London and the home counties

10 Agrees
11 Jul 2017 15:05

Well said Fred 

1 Agree
11 Jul 2017 15:16

Anne-Marie Marris is  a good MP and has put a lot of time in to helping Dawlish.

From The Grave
From The Grave
11 Jul 2017 15:28

No apology from me Margaret because it IS a well-documented lie. 


Webmaster, fair enough. Please remind users like Fred to not use the c word, s word or the a word as well. Thank you. 

1 Agree
Margaret Swift
Margaret Swift
11 Jul 2017 17:38

Well, clearly you did not work in schools in the inner city I did in the 80s. Well documented by whom? How I wish I still had a copy of that directive!! 



1 Agree
11 Jul 2017 17:39

This thread speaks volumes. A number of members really need to take a good look at themselves. Well done to FTG for being one of the few that truly understand the degree of racism portrayed by AMM. I would like to say more but my passion will take over and I'll end up being banned for saying what I truly think of the opinions of some of the people on this site.


BTW, Queer was reclaimed many years ago hence the fact that Pride represents the LGBTQ+ community :)

1 Agree
11 Jul 2017 17:57

As I said earlier "queer" has been "reclaimed" by some.  Don't assume you speak for everyone. Such arrogance.

1 Agree
11 Jul 2017 19:15

Come on "Play the White man" ooops was that racist i wonder?


2 Agrees
11 Jul 2017 20:50

Racist and sexist?

11 Jul 2017 23:12

 "Such arrogance""  lololol You really need to to take a long hard look at yourself burnside lololol

I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community and I know queer has been reclaimed very effectively from twunts who would love to claim it as their pathetic little insult,


How many pride demos have you been to Burnside?

2 Agrees
11 Jul 2017 23:21

A fair few.  I stopped going to them when they became commercial and hijacked by the leftwing nutjobs.  I remember when it was just LGB, what the hell has trans got to do with being gay?  And as for the Q+, an utter sick joke.

1 Agree
11 Jul 2017 23:38

lol thanks so much for showing your true bigoted colours burnside, you obviossly have no idea. I'd like to say more but again, after recent warnings my  feelings on your true personality would get get me banned. lol


[Account closed for failing to comply with the no name-calling policy]

1 Agree
11 Jul 2017 23:53

I'm a bigot because I don't adhere to the LGBTQ++++ political claptrap?  You are the one who is unable to accept there is an alternative viewpoint to the dogma of the gay rights lobby. It has now become something akin to a religion or cult.

1 Agree
12 Jul 2017 00:31

@Scapegoat & @burneside, name-calling is not allowed on this forum, remember? Please edit your posts to correct this.

1 Agree
From The Grave
From The Grave
12 Jul 2017 07:09

That didn't last long did it?


"From now on, if someone posts abuse to another member, I will close their account and edit the post to let other members know."


At least we know that swearing is acceptable on here. If your name is Fred. 

1 Agree
12 Jul 2017 10:00

@burneside, thankyou for editing your post.


@From The Grave, I also said.


"if someone genuinely unintentionally gets it wrong because it is not yet clear, I'll give them the opportunity to edit their posts."




"just because someone may have broken the terms, it doesn’t mean the terms no longer apply"


@From The Grave, also, I'm growing weary of your attitute of telling me what to do. I feel like I am being trolled. If you continue, I will close your account.

5 Agrees
From The Grave
From The Grave
12 Jul 2017 11:19

You're too kind Webmaster. Calling the highlighting of hypocrisy "trolling" is one hell of a stretch IN MY OPINION, but seeing as it's your forum you're right that it's up to you to make up the rules as you go along and apply them to those who you want to and when you want to. 


[Account closed for trolling]

1 Agree
13 Jul 2017 09:44

What is woodpile?

Stark Ross
Stark Ross
13 Jul 2017 09:59

Wow! It's obvs not what you know it's who you know!


[Account closed for trolling and making false accusations. Please do not sign up again.]

[This user is also @From The Grave and has had many previous usernames to this that have all been banned from the site.]


13 Jul 2017 10:16

Let's give up on these Oxbridge plonkers. Perhaps we could persuade Miss Universe to be our MP.

13 Jul 2017 14:23

Well look at this, someone who does not live in Dawlish, all of a sudden becomes the talk of the Town...again. This goes to prove we are to interested in the polictics and not what goes on in our sleepy town? You know what annoys me, and no one will ever be right, or agree with one another. But it's ok for once race to use a word but not us. We are not even allowed to use the word to describe the dog in the Dambusters Movie, who in real life actually had that name, we now have to change OUR history so we don't offend our own white people. Makes no sense.


Anyway what we doing about our MP? 

2 Agrees
13 Jul 2017 15:31

Well for one i dont like the woman, what should be done nothing it's a slip of the tongue let her get on with her job and if you want her gone then wait for the next election.

3 Agrees
14 Jul 2017 08:52

@The Observer - most people cannot see the wood for the tree's and those who do are oppressed by the miriad of one sided legislation that has been generated over the past decades by our self centred politicians.

As to the phrase that was allegedly spoken by A.M.M there is no excuse for any person, especially an m.p, to use this type of language. I assume there will be repercussions for her dependant on how this does or doesn't get manipulated by the media.

I think you are wrong in saying that we are more interested in politics than what goes on in our town, you only have to look at the pages of threads on many aspects of our town. This site is a forum that allows people to discuss what ever is of interest, annoys then, finds amusing, just wish to share, etc and is not just confined to Dawlish.

14 Jul 2017 09:52

And following on from Deedoodle's  comments since when has politics not impacted on Dawlish?

Any change in, for example, the state of the economy will impact here. 

Changes in state pension age for women (which didn't get notified to them!) impacts on those women and their families who live in the town.

Planning policies impact here.

I could go on. The list is endless.


Dawlish doesn't exist in a vacuum.


14 Jul 2017 10:32

@DEEDOODLE - i'm not wrong in saying anything, i'm only wrong if theres a factual outcome, i'm only wrong if i upset someone, i'm only wrong when others personally don't agree. that makes us in return a poltically obscessed community and polictally lead country.  it is very obvious here on that more conversations happen when politics is involved.


Also as for the word, it is regardless of choice or preference, an historical word that has been used for reasons in the past, such as the name in the book that gave that little dog it's name. It's our history, why should they re-write the history book to change the name of something that was? We as a country have gone to far.

3 Agrees
14 Jul 2017 13:27

Yawn yawn yawn ........outrage from labour ( ignore the anti-semitic diane abbot ) and others who have not got a life..........

Move on to more important local issues rather than this fake  outrage.!!!!!

2 Agrees
14 Jul 2017 13:48

thank you whomever you may be @1263 

14 Jul 2017 16:22

Well........AMM is the MP for, amongst other places, Dawlish.  So what she does or says is a local matter as far as I am concerned. Others think the same as me. Others think not. And for thse who think not there is nothing making them read or post on this thread is there?


Also, I've been told that it was reported on the local news yeterday that she has now cancelled her surgeries. So how can she help her constituents who need to see her? That's definitely a local issue surely.   

1 Agree
17 Jul 2017 13:49

its now OLD news obviously,so see will let the outrage??? die down and get back to her surgeries.  Items like the proposed playpark in dawlish,food banks, et deserve more attention that the MP's slip of the tounge, and the response of  liberal/politcal point scoreing / chattering classes keeps me amused..

3 Agrees
17 Jul 2017 13:55

Well said 1263, just let her get on with the work she good at.

2 Agrees
19 Jul 2017 09:05

I think it will have put paid to any ministerial (no matter how junior) ambitions she may have had.

1 Agree
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