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23 Apr 2017 19:18

Any predictions for the French Election?

French Election

Perhaps Le Pen will get in!

1 Agree
Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor
24 Apr 2017 07:10

According to early estimates, the Socialist candidate Benoît Hamon received around 6% of the votes, with Conservative François Fillon, on 20%. Both were defeated by independent (centre-right) Macron (23%) and Le Pen (22%). Le Pen may have a certain charisma but it will be difficult to see from here where the far-right candidate will pick up many extra votes in the run-off.

Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor
24 Apr 2017 07:19

The Sunday Times nailed it:



Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor
24 Apr 2017 07:43
A message here for British voters? 

Some thoughts: 1) one candidate ran on a pro-EU, pro-free trade, pro-globalisation, pro-immigration platform - and he's winning


Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor
24 Apr 2017 08:53

Of course, other good newspapers are available...



35 minutes ago

"Should we put the winner or a massive racist on the front page?" Editor: We're owned by Murdoch "Got it"



24 Apr 2017 09:04

I doubt anyone really thought diesel engines were environmentally friendly.

24 Apr 2017 10:09

With that Retweet it sounds like Bradshaw could be nervous about retaining Exeter at the election.

1 Agree
Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor
24 Apr 2017 14:10

Au contraire, Burneside. It would not surprise me to see his share of the vote go up in Exeter because of his strong pro-EU stance. 

24 Apr 2017 14:45

Bradshaw is on dodgy ground.  Now that Brexit is happening the UKIP supporters could turn back to the Tories, which makes his majority pretty thin.  I think he will be lucky to hold onto the seat in the current climate, with Labour being at rock bottom, just as the LibDems are.

2 Agrees
24 Apr 2017 15:10

Exeter 2015 GE result

Labour (Ben Bradshaw) - 25,062

Conservative - 17,879

UKIP - 5,075

Green - 3,491

Liberal Democrat - 2,321


EU referendum

EXETER: 55% voted to remain in the EU with 45% voting to leave, from a 74% turnout. Of the 86,418 electorate 35,270 voted in while 28,533 voted out.

24 Apr 2017 15:15

I'll very surprised if Ben Bradshaw keeps his seat.

2 Agrees
24 Apr 2017 15:17

I won't.

Even if all those UKIP votes went to the Tories he would still win.

Then bear in mind that Green and LD votes could go BB's way.  

24 Apr 2017 15:44

You are assuming that all those who voted Labour in 2015 will do so again this time around.  In the meantime Corbyn has decimated Labour's standing in the polls, Bradshaw's success is far from assured. 

3 Agrees
24 Apr 2017 16:00

Well, as none of us have crystal balls we, all of us, are assuming things.

24 Apr 2017 16:00

As Burneside says Corbyn has trashed Labour.

Jeremy Corbyn, the best Tory supporter of all time. Thanks Jeremy.

24 Apr 2017 16:06

"The Tories should never forget that the roots of decay often emerge when an empire seems strongest".

Wasn't it Theresa MaybeI'llchangemymind who described the Tories as the nasty party?

24 Apr 2017 16:15

The Tory party represents the elite, the landowning classes, aristos, bankers and the corporations. The 1%.


Why on earth people who don't fit into any of the above categories vote for them is a mystery.


What are the Conservatives conserving? the elite's grip on power. If I thought we had a democratic system, I'd suggest the ability to vote is wasted on some people.


They're the 'nasty party' because the never want an equitable distribution of wealth in this country.


3 Agrees
24 Apr 2017 17:33

I think "the ability to vote is wasted on some people" is one of the nastiest comments I've read on here for some time.

4 Agrees
24 Apr 2017 17:43

True democracy is dependant on an informed citizenry. Otherwise it's not a democratic sytem run by the people for the people. It does appear crude but I'm sure you'll find plenty of information about how society has been 'dumbed down' by the right wing media, etc. Sure it's upsetting, but it should be recognized. 


I wouldn't deny anyone the vote, I'd make it compulsory to vote. Then at least the parties would have to work harder to make their case, consequently the onus is on becoming informed as parties would not be able to rely on their core/traditional voters.


My point was that if you are not an aristocrat, a rich banker or a CEO earning a 6 figure bonus, then why on earth would you waste your vote for a party which represents their interests?

Especially given that their selfish interests maintain austerity that lessens the provision of the NHS, schooling, employment opportunities, civil rights, etc

It's completely illogiocal and therefore a waste of a vote which people died for from the suffragettes to those opposed to fascism in the 30s/40s.


It would be lovely if we lived in a 'nice' world.



1 Agree
Gary Taylor
Gary Taylor
08 May 2017 08:56

Vive La France... and for that matter WRT June 8th, vive le Royaume-Uni.

08 May 2017 10:13

By electing Merkel's puppet the French have just committed a monumental act of self-harm, I hope they enjoy being ruled from Berlin.

4 Agrees
08 May 2017 11:54
08 May 2017 11:55

So France rejected an old school fasicist and elected a new school neoliberal pseudo-fascist, it's hardly 'vive la France' stuff.

09 May 2017 01:06

The alternative was Le Pen so it is 'vive la France'

1 Agree
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