Just walked past and was surprised to see that Red Rock has closed down. Hopefully someone else will take it over and make a proper go of it. Come rain or shine.
Odd that you are misspelling my name, since you have known it for two years (courtesy of Linda Petherick), yet then claimed on 20th June that you had only that morning discovered my identity. Why do you tell barefaced lies?
I don't tell bare-faced lies. Have you found an answer to my question, or are you just here to troll. BURNEY-WURNEY.
So despite knowing my identity for two years, you still pretended on June 20th to have only just discovered it that day. I call that a lie. Even a barefaced lie.
You're deluded BURNEY-WURNEY. An obsessive
onspiracy theorist who has an overly-inflated sense of self-importance. I don't give a f*** who you are, but was (and continue to be) highly amused when I was told about the various familial vested interests of posters on here. Some mght call them henchwomen and henchmen. But I wouldn't want to f*** with them. Or you, obviously.
Oh, and did you find an answer to my question(s)?
I know your going to say, serves you right etc.etc. but I went Into the Baileys Restaurant yesterday and had the most vile tasting cup of tea In Dawlish. It was vile. So I went Into the Beach Cafe next door, got lovely food and a lovely cup of tea. It was beautiful.
Go on say It, told you so. As you have gathered I am back In Winchester after a lovely break.
Well ok. what i would like to know Is the cafe for sale as i would to know how much to take it over.
What the f*ck is your problem "burny", does the words pot, kettle, black ring any bells. A simple question and you steam in like a ....errr.....cockwomble? I think you're just sore after being called up for supporting a self-confessed racist
You are very new here and obviously unaware of the poster who currently calls herself Morty Vicker, and her posting history. She has used numerous aliases on this forum, and, to my knowledge, has been banned at least twice.
That speaks volumes about the person.
@MV - when you talk of the Red Rock cafe can you tell us just exactly where it is you have in mind.
Is it the cafe by the er.........Red Rock to be found on the railway path between DW and Dawlish or the cafe at Coryton Beach which I believe has been referred to in the past as the Red Rock cafe.
The cafe at Red Rock (AKA Langstone Rock). The one at Coryton used to be known as Rockpool Cafe before a local arsonist burnt it down.
For benefit of the small-minded Censors who clicked Report on Scapegoat and I's posts.
So, another post that has turned into name calling and childish remarks.
You do know that these pages are not private and open to anyone who wishes to view them?
I feel embarrassed and sorry for you, I really do.
Surely you must have better, more productive things to do - there is a whole world out there - try it - you may even be able to give something back to Dawlish rather than portraying it (and yourselves) like something out of The League of Gentlemen.
@Mycomp - everyone is allowed there opinion on this site as long as it doesn't offend and i believe those that post on here, even m.v. are fully aware that there is 'a whole world out there'.
I agree that some subjects nose dive into negativity thanks to a certain individual, but on the whole, I believe, this site is a positive part of the Dawlish community and interested parties far and wide.
The whole world is filled with many of the emotional issues and the diverse input that is Dawlish.com.
Those that contibute to Dawlish.com are using the internet and as such, more than likely, are aware that the entries are not private. I hope.
I welcome your input, but feel the right to challenge its contents as should be the case for any forum.
Paul, "Love At First Bite" are there at present, with one of their mobile
catering facilities. Not sure how plans are progressing to replace the permanent structure that arsonists razed to the ground a couple of years back.
Was there any definitive proof the fire was caused by arsonists?
(NB The poster in above thread going under the alias of Judith Chalmers is now none other than Morty Vicker)
The leaseholders clearly thought otherwise. And, curiously, Love At First Bite was the victim of sabotage the night before the last Airshow. The perpetrators are likely to be one and the same.
I don't read the forum for 2 days and people's posts are being deleted or hidden.
I would like to know what was in the posts that were deleted considering certain people can make horrible racist comments and not get their comments hidden or deleted.
I don't believe in censorship or moderation. We are all adults even if at times we don't act like it.
S, they were removed because Burneside didn't take kindly to being called a cockwomble for not understanding that Burney is short for Burneside. Serves me right fo being a stupid bint...
They were removed because they were personal vile attacks on an individual that went well beyond name calling. This isn't the first time this poster has had posts removed for vile attacks on individuals.
Still, it is words on a page ... who cares. Unless it is threatening but that is a police matter then which I guessing it wasn't.
There have been comments made both ways until now from what I have seen.
FYI, Mrs C, I haven't reported any of your posts from this thread. Kindly desist from slinging unfounded allegations in my direction, otherwise I will have to start reporting you.
Is calling someone a Cockwomble or even BURNEY-WURNEY, a vile personal attack? Any more so than stating that someone is always there with the snidey remarks?
They were removed because the software on this forum automatically removes posts that have had a no more than a couple of reports against them.
Burney - what unfounded allegations are you blathering on about?
Scapegoat - it was arson. Check out the Rock Pool Cafe Facebook page. No evidence of it being an electrical fault.
You accused me of reporting your posts on this thread - I did not.
And just so everybody realises what a barefaced liar you are, here's the proof:
Linda Petherick
2 Aug 2014
burnside (Bernard ). Please don't be so disrespectful to Cllr Vickery nobody is being disrespectful to your sister Cllr Swift. Why are you doing as you live in London and you don't know any of the Dawlish councillors. This vicious vendetta has to stop.
Judith Chalmers (aka Mrs C/Our Soul/Our Soul of Dawlish etc etc)
02 Aug 2014 08:45
So that's who Burneside is! No wonder he's been part of the bullying gang. How pathetic!
Morty Vicker (aka Mrs C/Judith Chalmers/Our Soul/Our Sole of Dawlish etc etc)
20 Jun 2016
Perhaps you should plead for me to be banned Margaret? Of course your posts and that of your brother (Burneside/Bernard - as informed to me this morning) don't involve any slagging off whatsoever and are totally full of meaningful dialogue!
Excellent proof there! I might invent a username called "Etc etc", just to complete the full set.
When did Red Rock Café close down?
A report button shows when your mouse goes in a post. I didn't see what any of these posts said, must have been rude I guess.
The posts were just vile, like the poster.
Finally caught out with evidence that she is a liar and all she does is deflect! Just about sums her up. A coward as well as a liar.
The post weren't vile Margaret. You throw that word around like confetti, yet never pull up Burney for his racism.
No deflection or cowardice (though Burney DOES scare me because no-one f***s with him), I'm just trying yet again to get MY thread back onto the subject that Burney tried to divert away from with his pathetic trolling efforts.
Well, now we have established you are a liar.
Your dislike of the Red Rock owners was abundantly clear from the wording of your opening post, that is why I made the remarks I did. And of course all this dates back
to your infamous post from 1st July 2014 when you viciously slagged off the owners. You know, that post you pulled down within a few hours when the backlash started.
And you're abundantly wrong Burney. Not for the first time. However I AM impressed by your use of the Royal "we".
When did Red Rock Café close down?
He is not wrong, you did make vile accusations against the owners of RedRock cafe and when the backlash came you took your own post down. Further evidence of the coward you are. And........you provided no evidence for your vile accusations, which is why you had to take he post down.
Carry on deflecting! We could make this the next film in the franchise!!
Still waiting to see any evidence of vile posts. The evidence presented by burneside is not really vile!
I didn't say the evidence was vile, I presented it to prove that Morty Vicker/Mrs C/Judith Chalmers is a downright liar. But her original post from 1st July '14 which she promptly pulled down
contained some pretty nasty stuff, fortunately it was captured as a screen shot before she could remove it, so the evidence lives on.
So, in an attempt (which I suspect will be in vain) to take this thread back to its original subject........
I walked along the seawall yesterday to DW and yes, the Red Rock cafe is closed.
Shame as it is so nicely placed and seemed well used.
And I for one would love to see it open again.
Does anyone know if its closure is temporary or permanent? If the latter, who owns it? Network Rail?
Thanks Lynne. My understanding is that it's owned by Network Rail. Hopefully it's only a temporary closure and that new leaseholders are found soon in order to give it the rejuvenation that it's in desperate need of.
It is closed because their generater broke, and despite paying a lot for a local business to repair it, it remains broken. The owners are losing a lot of money as you can imagine. There are also problems with leaking water. This is dangerous around electrics. Lets hope they can get it fixed. A lot of people miss the cafe.
Sorry if there's a newer thread on this as I can't find it. Just noticed as I walked past that the Elephant Rock Cafe is now opened at Langstone Rock, the sign said today is the first day. Looks likey they've done quite a bit of work on it, including a decking area to the right which I'm assuming with have tables and chairs soon. Didn't have time to stop but I thought it was nice to see.