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General Discussion

03 Nov 2015 02:58
I support public display of fireworks and would like the government to ban the sales of fireworks to the general public. 
The firework season (which goes on for much longer than one night) causes animals great distress, many dogs and cats are deathly afraid of fireworks. The rural community has long been concerned for livestock and horses, many of whom bolt and injure themselves as a result of fireworks. Birds nesting at night are also frightened, as are animals in the Zoo. Vets will verify they see animals seriously damage from fireworks intentionally used to injure them and also from unintentional injuries from fireworks. We have a duty of care to animals, both urban and wild, our right to be entertained in our backyard should not superced their rights to a safe and fear-free environment.
There are other good reasons for a ban including the cost of firework related incidences and the Fire Service resources being unnecessarily stretched. Every year someone is injured from cheap fireworks. However for many of us, it's just the plain nuisance factor - loud bangs that go on for months affecting everyone from sleeping babies to the elderly. We have great public displays now and this is enough to satisfy the public need for fireworks.
Australia banned them years ago. It's time for United Kingdom to change.
11 Agrees
03 Nov 2015 06:31

So people who are at home celebrating a special event, not just fireworks which is a traditional English celebration, will not be allowed to let off a few fireworks. (Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Births, Christenings, and so on)


Why not ban the Police helicopter from hovering and flying low?

Why not ban loud motorbikes and cars from driving around?

Close Exeter airport as their planes fly low over Dawlish just after take off?


Just because another country has banned them, why should the UK follow. I think we have all had enough of the minority ruling the majority in telling us how we should live our lives and what to do.


Some people really do need to get a life.

2 Agrees
03 Nov 2015 09:41

@Carer - i find your comment, 03/11/15 06:31, just highlights the ignorant, selfish attitude of many in this day and age. what reason is there to sell explosives to untrained people to igniite at their whim throughout the year.

How many people, pets, wildstock and properties are injured/damaged every year! How much money is spent by emergency services and hospitals every year and how many people have to live with the injuries causeed by untrained people letting of fireworks.

I believe one former prime minister used the banning of firework sales to the public and only allowing organised  firework displays as one of his election chants, surprise,surprise it was never implemented.

Carer If you had ever experienced the stress that a loved pet goes through when fireworks are being used you might be a little more sympathetic, or may be not.



13 Agrees
03 Nov 2015 11:47

How many people, pets, wildstock,and properties are injured/damaged every year! How much money is spent by emergancy services and hospitals every year and how many people have to live with injuries caused by incompetent DRIVERS maybe driving should be banned. I have pets and love firewiorks it is a British celebration and there are folk who hate them but then there are folk who hate housing developments, cars, cyclists, dogs, cats, and Christmas but thats life, just live with it it will soon be over.

4 Agrees
03 Nov 2015 13:15

sarahsmith- your logic is flawed, you mention the noise from fireworks but then say they should only be done by public display????? do they have silent fireworks.?

people injured by "cheap" fireworks ?  does that mean then that expensicve fireworks don't injure you.? The fact of the matter is that fireworks are fine it is the peope who handle them without proper regard to safety that is the issue.

Unfortunately i think  you are one of these peope who want to ban  fireworks because it upsets you  personally and not thinking about he milions that get pleasure out of this "celebration."  We have had fireworks for hundreds of years and long may it continue. As regards disturbing the  birds can you start a petition  to ban seagulls bcause their noise upsets me every day,



6 Agrees
05 Nov 2015 06:50

I hope the marching band at the head of the RBL Remembrance Sunday Parade don't make too much noise then, especially that big bass drum, or you will probably complain about that.

1 Agree
05 Nov 2015 08:13

@sarahsmithuk - petition signed, hopefully many others will as well.

05 Nov 2015 12:00

Carer your ignorance astounds me.


6 Agrees
05 Nov 2015 16:57



You are so kind. smiley

05 Nov 2015 18:44

FAO Killjoys


1. How on earth has the animal kingdom survived all these years during Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night?

2. Why didnt birds leave cities during the blitz in WW2? Surely there was a bit of noise then!

3. If you are that concerned, why not stay at home and comfort your pets, or are you one of those people who leave them at home alone?


Happy Bonfire Night everybody, celebrating a TRADITIONAL event dating back to 1605.

410 years ago.


Enjoy it while you can.

05 Nov 2015 20:22

Only the UK could 'celebrate' an event that failed  ..any excuse.

Waste of money...but then people have plenty, thanks to a Tory government.

(that should wake Roberta up loll)

2 Agrees
06 Nov 2015 08:50

be interested to know what you are celebrating @Carer

I don't mind fireworks too much, the dog doesn't like it but we can usually fit in a long enough run for him not to get too distressed in the evening.  It's the odd firework let off 'willy nilly' I object to.  Fireworks are dangerous, there's about 1000 injuries each year (stats available up to 2005, they are no longer collected!). I would prefer licenced events only but that's my preference - neither of my kids were particularly interested thankfully.

If you are going to an event this weekend, enjoy but please be careful!  

6 Agrees
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