No wonder all those houses are up for sale! Estate agent tried to sell us a house up there, swore blind they were building a cemetry up there.
It seems that only a portion of one field is being built on and I wonder how long it will be before the whole of that field (and the one behind) is built on?
Plus three on the front that will no doubt be overlooked, or perhaps they are just getting out while they still can sell.
Do houses not normally sell if there are other houses around them? Of course they do.
Maybe the homeowners just want to move to one of the new developments, away from the main road with all that traffic noise? They certainly won't be overlooked by the new development.
Flo - once upon a time there were plans to have a cemetery there once the one in Oak Hill was full. Don't know when that idea was changed, possibly when the value of the land when up as it became worth building on.....
Thanks Ducki, I think 'once upon a time' probably says it all! It's a bit like the playparks etc promised at various other sites which never happened; a fairy tale. My conveyancing lawyer told me to never trust what the estate agents say, they can't promise anything unless it's signed, sealed and delivered (to quote Steve Wonder). Best to buy a house with houses all round it these days I think.
I am not 100% certain but I think that the land is part of the Luscombe estate.
Someone correct me if I am wrong.
@Carer - thanks for the info. i know the luscombe estate sold the land that mr stone built meadow park, upper loglands, etc , estate on back in the 1970's. i thought they would only sell large sections of land, but i suppose it depends how much they can get for a slice of land these days.
Wouldn't be surprised if the 1.5 acres sold for this new development was as much as the entire acreage cost Stone built Meadow Park, etc on.
Taking the wife for a walk today and decided to have a look at the land in question and met up with one of the owner's of the properties affected by this new build.
They advised that it was indeed Luscombe land, not that I can confirm. The cemetery did not go ahead because the planning department felt it would increase the traffic level to an unacceptable level for the junction with the main road, so I was told, again I cannot confirm this.
I was also advised that the deveopers had requested if they could thin out the trees within the wood adjoining the new build by the first entrance to the wood nearest the new build . Trees affected are in first, second and last pics below.
I also took a few pics of the proposed site for posterity:-