When is the public consultation due to take place? I read that TDC were urging that it should take place as soon as possible (like starting early this month) but it is now the 8th and I haven't seen any publicity at all.
Was this matter discussed at the town council planning committee at its meeting on Thursday?
If so, and it was discussed in the public part of the meeting, could someone who was there give the rest of us some idea of what was said etc .
I understand the consultation will now begin at the end of August, with the exact timings to be announced in the press.
I gave a verbal report to the meeting, which was noted. There was concern about the lack of information that had preceded the draft documentation. The meeting heard that there would be a further meeting of the landowners before the end of the consultation, one of whom was in attendance.
Gary Taylor
We really do need to get the planning dept and Simon Thornley and his team replaced by a professional panel of indepdant experts who know how to deal with developers and land owners and have no financial or political goals. These incompetent civil servants and councillors who's wages and expenses we all pay are certainly not doing anything positive for Dawlish.
Just got my hard copy of the Gazette. As well as the letter I've already given the link for (see above) there is also another one on this matter.
See page 12 of The Gazette.
Be aware of this planning application
Below are extracts from the officer report dated 6.10.14
“The application site forms the northern section of the DA2 Local
Plan allocation. However, for the avoidance of doubt there is
additional land (to the north west) which is included but falls outside
of the Local Plan allocation.
The land in question is owned by the NHS and houses a collection
of buildings which form part of Langdon Hospital but are now
redundant. A significant portion of the site is also undeveloped
agricultural land.”
“Request for a scoping opinion for proposed development for approx
200 residential properties, employment land, public open space and
roads and infrastructure.”
I thought this an appropriate thread to post this (my emphasis in bold)
.“on one level, there is actually no absolute shortage of housing in Britain. It is estimated there are now more than 25 million unoccupied bedrooms in British homes. Under-occupation has grown by 50% in the last decade. This is mainly because older people are staying in the family home rather than downsizing to what would generally be more appropriate accommodation.
As long as the incentives are to hoard surplus property rather than dispose of it, a problem George Osborne’s recent inheritance tax reforms will make worse, the obscene coincidence of massive housing shortage and massive under-occupation will continue.
Solving the housing crisis might mean the public, particularly those who have done well, adjusting their aspirations. The measure we must set for our housing in not whether it makes us rich but whether it enables us to live well.”
@Lynne does the above mean then that the mp's , lords n ladies ect are going to give up thier second homes and stately massions ? this will never happen more of do as i say than i do !
I agree it will never happen. But by looking at things from a spare bedroom point of view does bring
a completely different slant to the problem and a different option as to how the housing problem might be resolved.
It never fails to strike me that here, in Dawlish, we have one kind of estate facing directly
onto another kind of estate.
There is a similar situation in Alnwick in Northumberland and no doubt there are similar juxtapositionings elsewhere in the country.
But to return more directly to the topic of this thread - ie the public consultation about the proposed changes to the scheduled developments over at
Secmaton and Langdon hospital (DA2 and DA6 in planning jargon).
At the Dawlish Town Council meeting held on 6th of this month there was a report referred to at item 10 on the agenda concerning the above
written by the DTC Dawlish Development Framework Representative.
I have checked with Dawlish Town Council and although this report is not online it is a public document so if anyone reading this post
wishes to see the report then contact DTC reception (phone 01626 863388 mornings only) and ask for it to be e-mailed to you.
Going back however to Lynne's earlier post about spare bedrooms. Who is the writer of the article to decide what is and isn't "appropriate accommodation"? And what definition of "older people" is being applied here? I don't expect anyone on here to have the answer, I'm merely trying to highlight the vagueness and generalisations being employed by the author.
My parents downsized to a 2-bedroom bungalow when the children flew the nest. As that was the "appropriate" thing for them to do at their age. However they then slept in separate rooms so there was no spare bedroom - I'm sure that there are plenty in that situation who on paper look like they should have a spare room but don't. Similarly those who use one of their bedrooms as a study or computer room, etc, etc? And of course the author is implying that no-one is allowed to have guests stay with them unless they sleep on the sofa or the lounge floor!
My father passed away a few years ago - what gives the author the right to say that my fantastically independent mother must therefore have moved out into a one-bedroomed flat? Not that there are enough "appropriate" one-bedroomed flats anyway - so the housebuilding would have to continue to satisfy the demand for one-bedroomed homes that the author's theory would have created.
The whole notion that there are all these spare bedrooms that should be filled and therefore prevent the need for housebuilding is fatally flawed.
and on another note if you live in Social Housing you are penalised for having a spare bedroom if you need HB
Keep an eye (or two) on these two planning applications:
(concerns the building of a roundabout in Secmaton Lane area)
(concerns the building of 6 flats and 8 dwellings in Secmaton Lane area)
Cllr Graham Price has requested that this planning application goes to TDC planning committee rather than leaving the decision to a TDC planning officer
Today is the last day of August. I thought the public consultation was supposed to have started
by now. Anyone know its revised eta?
I understand that the public consultation will now commence on Friday 4th September and conclude on Friday 16th October.
A response to this forthcoming consultation appears on the agenda (item 16) for this Wednesday's Dawlish Town Council meeting, when more details will also be made available to the public.
Gary Taylor
Public drop-in session on Wednesday, September 23, from 2pm-8pm at the Dawlish Leisure Centre,
Sandy Lane
Extract from my letter to the TDC Planning Committee re Temporary SANGS submitted prior to the decision to bring forward the above consultation for the increase in size (and number of homes) at NW Secmaton Lane (DA2):
"It is notable that not covered within the calculation for Temporary SANGS is the land required to mitigate the effect of the 350 houses to be built at the ‘Warren Grove’ (Shutterton Park) site. I understand that the S106 agreement that formed part of the successful appeal documentation for that development allows for the developer to provide 6.24 hectares of permanent land for SANGS in the event of the Coastal Park at DA7 not coming forward, which is to be welcome."
It would now seem that Dawlish is not yet to benefit from 6.24 hectares of permanent land for SANGS. Instead TDC have accepted the cash alternative proposed within the S106 agreement - an adjusted £488,623.73. These monies were intended as a supplementary payment towards the purchase of Warren Farm for SANGS. The 'spend by' date is 7th August 2025.
BTW, the draft SANGS calculation referred to above covered major sites only. If the minor sites with PP either in the pipeline or recently granted are also taken into account the total number of homes proposed to be accommodated at DA2 will rise by over 100.
Gary Taylor
@Soul of Dawlish
So.......this cash payment that TDC has accepted. Surely that is not in lieu of SANGS provision? I thought the developer could either
provide their own Sangs or give money to TDC towards TDC providing the SANGS.
The pro rata amount of SANGS is still needed surely, irrespective of who provides it, before any of the houses at Warren Grove can be
occupied? Yes or No?
This is what the Inspector's Report of June 2013 said about the Warren Grove development and SANGS.
"10.7 In addition, the s.106 Agreement makes provision for financial contributions
toward the acquisition, maintenance and management of SANGS, to mitigate
the impact that recreational use by future occupiers of the proposed dwellings
might otherwise have on the SPA and SAC. The total of the contributions
would be calculated in accordance with the JIA. The Council has identified the
Dawlish Coastal Park as its preferred site for the provision of SANGS, but since
there is some doubt as to the timetable for its delivery [8.41], the s.106
Agreement contains provisions to ensure that the phasing of the development,
and occupation of the dwellings, would be in step with the delivery of
commensurate amounts of SANGS. As an alternative, if the Council were
unable to acquire and provide its intended SANGS in time, the S.106
Agreement makes provision for the owner of the appeal site to provide SANGS
on other land, with the prior approval of (and for eventual transfer to) the
Council. The phasing and occupation of the development would again be linked to the delivery of commensurate amounts of SANGS."
"12.64 I am satisfied that the terms of the S.106 Agreement entered into by the
appellant and the Council [INQ 21] ensure that adequate provision of SANGS
would be put in place prior to the occupation of the proposed dwellings [10.5 –
10.7], and the other relevant financial contributions would be paid at
appropriate stages of the development"
Unless there are some surprises in the documents available tomorrow, I believe Temporary SANGS will provide a staged solution.
Gary Taylor
Yeah - that's what I thought this temporary Sangs business was/is all about 'n all.
How much did this temporary sangs land cost/will it cost TDC then? Or is it on loan to TDC from one of the landowners?
A gentleman's agreement perhaps?
Thought you'd all love this gem.
Apparently, whilst this public consultation is taking place TDC will, at the same time, be holding private
talks with the DA2 stakeholders (I guess that means the landowners and the developers).
Will there be any more gentlemen's agreements I ask myself?
And just how long will it be before what gets discussed/agreed etc at this private meeting goes into the public
domain (assuming of course that there is any intention of it ever going into the public domain).
Public Consultation on Spatial Planning Documents
From Friday 4th September 2015 until 12pm on Friday 16th October 2015 TDC will be consulting on the following draft documents and would like to invite you to comment on one or more of which you may be interested in :
The documents can be viewed:
· Online via www.teignbridge.gov.uk/planteignbridge
· At Forde House Offices, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot during normal office hours 8.30am–5pm Monday–Thursday and 8.30am–4.30pm Friday
· Public libraries in Teignbridge
Please let TDC have your comments by completing the relevant online survey using the above web link. This is a convenient and simple way of responding. Alternatively you may respond by e-mail or by completing a paper copy of the response form.
E-mails should be sent to: forwardplanning@teignbridge.gov.uk If you respond via e-mail please include :
· Your postal address
· Which document you are interested in
· Which part of the document you are interested in
· What changes to the document you want to see
· If you don’t have an e-mail address TDC can send you hard copies of the response form
Letters or paper response forms can be sent by post to: Spatial Planning Consultations, Teignbridge District Council, Forde House, Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 4XX
TDC are holding two public consultation Drop-In events at :
· Dawlish Leisure Centre on Wednesday 23rd September 2015 from 2.00pm until 8.00pm
· Methodist Church Hall, Somerset Place, Teignmouth on Wednesday 30th September 2015 from 2.00pm until 8.00pm