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General Discussion

who owns dawlish?

01 Mar 2005 08:49

I hear rumours that Ace Cleaning own a disproportionate number of businesses in Dawlish, including the Lansdowne and the Amusement arcade. Is their truth in this or is it just an ugly rumour?

08 Mar 2005 11:04

They do own a few properties and the odd business but they don't own the arcade.
As far as owning Dawlish, I know a few bully boys who think that they do!!!!!!
But at the end of the day I belive that its owned mainly by the over 70's

10 Mar 2005 07:34

thanks for the info. I agree with your other comments re the over 70s - yet 50% of the population are under 40. It doesn't make much sense.

Dog Muck Fan
Dog Muck Fan
11 Mar 2005 05:06

I would say there is virtually no chance of getting on the housing ladder in Dawlish. - unless you inherit.

Even places full of common people like Starcross, Kingsteignton and Exminster are expensive.

11 Mar 2005 17:00

And your point is?

14 Mar 2005 22:21

they don't own the Arcade mate I can assure u of that

15 Mar 2005 18:43

Thanks, but does anyone know who does?

A resident of dawlish
A resident of dawlish
18 Jan 2006 18:05

As an employee of The Lansdowne i believe that we do own dawlish and however why are all you sad f*****s talking about it???????????????????????????

A resident of dawlish
A resident of dawlish
18 Jan 2006 18:09

i think that residents of Dawlish should get out more and stop gossiping about locals you sad f*****rs!!!!!!!!!!!!

A resident of dawlish
A resident of dawlish
18 Jan 2006 18:14

i know for a fact that the bartons are buying the old midland bank down town to turn it into a rave club with **** selling drugs on the door!!!!!!! also does anyone know jimmy hill from swift print????

19 Jan 2006 13:06

What's suddenly brought all this on?
Has it taken you ten months to work out how to use this forum? You sent three postings when one would suffice. Crawl back in your hole mate. Dawlish doesn't need you.

21 Jan 2006 00:21

Well said Stumpy .. impression is that the employee and the premesis has much to answer for as a breedding ground for the likes we have resident here and their inability to express themselves without their colourful language. I do so wish this town had a nice pub to eat and drink football that all they can really manage? .. no wonder locals get out !

A Local
A Local
22 Jan 2006 15:39

Thats right Alex. The Lansdowne and the Ferret sum up what Dawlish has become. And I am moving out!

31 Jan 2006 04:51

Unfortunately England in general with the exception of a few major cities could do with a a few more restaraunts. We could also do with being a little more multicultural.

Dont take me the wrong way,i love a lot about our beautiful country and Dawlish and the westcountry,but i dont think the problem with soccer and pubs lies only in Dawlish as i have travelled over the UK and the World and seen that there are beautiful cities where you dont have to be rich to go out and take your pick from a platter of restaraunts that offer food from many different cultures where as England just seems to have a pub on every corner to stuff the working class into and kep them out the way.

I'd suggest that investors open their minds a little and maybe start thinking about opening restaraunts and making good profit in a market that doesnt really have much competition instead of opening another pub to contribute to just one big drinking poblem.

Well done to the likes of Alex,blondie,stumpy etc who seem to be making good use of this site and keeping out the filth.Hope you dont mind me joining in on your conversation and hope you all manage to keep you sanity, if you feel like moving to another town maybe its just destiny trying to give you a nudge but there are some things to love about Dawlish and theres always going to be greed,idiots,hooligans,good and bad people whereever you go-Feel free to vomit now.

31 Jan 2006 04:52

Unfortunately England in general with the exception of a few major cities could do with a a few more restaraunts. We could also do with being a little more multicultural.

Dont take me the wrong way,i love a lot about our beautiful country and Dawlish and the westcountry,but i dont think the problem with soccer and pubs lies only in Dawlish as i have travelled over the UK and the World and seen that there are beautiful cities where you dont have to be rich to go out and take your pick from a platter of restaraunts that offer food from many different cultures where as England just seems to have a pub on every corner to stuff the working class into and kep them out the way.

I'd suggest that investors open their minds a little and maybe start thinking about opening restaraunts and making good profit in a market that doesnt really have much competition instead of opening another pub to contribute to just one big drinking poblem.

Well done to the likes of Alex,blondie,stumpy etc who seem to be making good use of this site and keeping out the filth.Hope you dont mind me joining in on your conversation and hope you all manage to keep you sanity, if you feel like moving to another town maybe its just destiny trying to give you a nudge but there are some things to love about Dawlish and theres always going to be greed,idiots,hooligans,good and bad people whereever you go-Feel free to vomit now.

31 Jan 2006 04:54

Sorry for posting message twice there.

31 Jan 2006 09:51

Scarecrow .. do join in. Constructive postings like yours is just what is needed.

Yes, you are right .. every town has problems .. but I admit I judge a town with the type of pubs on offer.
Some pubs elsewhere are finding a sign outside with 'NO smoke.. NO football here' is rolling in the food business and making the others pubs think twice.

Businessess do do research before they set up ..and that is why Daw;ish has what it has.. and yes Dawlish is very pretty and there are many worse places to be.

31 Jan 2006 18:44

Alex is right. There is no market for more 'upmarket' businesses as the Brewery Bar in the High St has found to its cost. Yet the Laffin Pig can keep going. The truth is that the lower socio-economic classes dominate Dawlish - there is a website that confirms this but I can't remember what it is.

03 Feb 2006 11:17

Then maybe like someone else mentioned earlier on, why complain about that which you cannot control,what does it matter which rich person owns Dawlish-If its all a game of Monopoly anyway-Why not play a different game-Find a quest more important that rich people cannot always win.

03 Feb 2006 18:42

It matters a lot. If Dawlish is becoming a cesspit/cemetary its because its controlled by business interests which cater for the lowest common denominator. I'm just curious about how far people are aware, but I don't care anymore because I am moving to Exeter. In common with other more upmarket people I know. It means that Dawlish can never improve, because people who are interested in making it a better place have no option but to leave.

I would like to thank whoever made that post. your really doing a lot for our generation (I think not)!
For the rest of you, not all young people are drunken idiots who take drugs.
There is a qoute I heard once, I don't know who said it but I think it was an american president and it reads:
"I promise I will not judge any person only as a teenager. And you will constantly remind yourselves that some of my generation judges people by their race, their beliefs or the colour of their skin and that this is no more right than saying all teenagers are drunken dope addicts who are glue sniffers."
I actually heard this at the start of a ska-punk song.
Part of the problem is that there is absolutely nothing else to do in or even around Dawlish (like most towns of that size).
Dawlish is turning into god's waiting room and with there being nothing to do that's when the problems occur.
Remember that when the new license laws came into place the media predicted anarchy, yet this could not have been further from the truth!
People young AND old need to learn to co-exist. We need younger members on councils, a wider variety of activities rather than just going to the pub and CHEAPER HOUSING. Our generation will not have a state pension, due to "Equity Release" we will not inherit a house and at the moment the band of people who get the least benefits are 18-24 year olds (the people who need it most).

Whichever way you look at it the old are enjoying their retirement at the cost of the young, and unless something changes the country will plunge into recession within the next 50 years. We need wealth re-distribution and we need it fast.

I am actually trying to get a job at the Lansdowne and if I find out who you are I will strongly recommend to Ray that he re-thinks your employment!

06 Feb 2006 19:50

Ok .. 'not all like that' .. please then list what you actually would like to see in Dawlish .. it would be interesting reading.

Fact that most 18 year olds have a car ..
The beenfits pay for the beer !
Terrible life is it ?

You can actually do something with your life .. learn something .. study (what's that!) .. there really is more to life than lifting a pint off the bar..

16 Feb 2006 11:50

What I cannot understand is that when you get to sixty you receive winter fuel allowance, free prescriptions and in a lot of areas free tokens for bus and taxi travel.
In my experience most working people at sixty are at their peak in their lifetime with regard to salary earnings.
So why give them these free hand outs? Strange that.
Many pensioners say aah yes but we have worked all our lives and paid taxes and NI contributions.But it is the working people of TODAY that support and keep these old folk in luxury.I have never met a poor pensioner.
Many of them should stop grizzling & get out more - then they wouldn't use up so much heating.Stop feeling sorry for themselves and hard done by.And stop keeping their savings under the bloody mattress.

16 Feb 2006 16:03

Bet your bottom dollar when I get to 60, some asshole in the government has raised this limit to 65 or even 70 before these benefits apply.

18 Feb 2006 14:31

Well Well I am suprised. I cant believe you have the cheek to post such a rude comment. Obviously you must be high up in your position with Ray at the Landsdown to have the permission to drag the pub down with your name dropping. Judging by your conmment you are an inexperienced child still and I will make sure that Ray knows about your posting and deals with you accordingly. You silly little child. Time you woke up and went back to learning about people skills and respect.

Also due to your limited vocabulary time to go back to school I think.


Then you might find more helpfull and constructive critism or advice from decent adults who actually like Dawlish for what it is.

A very pretty little town with many attractions during the summer and a little peace and quite away from the rat race in the winter.

23 Feb 2006 20:53

Once you finish school most people with a brain try to get out of Dawlish, as there isn’t much else to do except work behind a bar or sit on the other side of it. Dawlish hasn’t got any opportunities for young people not unless you want to own a pub, work in Somerfield or be a drop out.

My advice to young people is to get out while you can or before you know it you will be one of those old pensioners you saw today walking down the strand!

25 Feb 2006 11:39

Just found this site after living in Dawlish for 30+ years.

What an interesting and diverse set of views there are on life in(or not as the case may be)Dawlish. I love Dawlish and always will. I just wish there was more tolerance, understanding and a little more creativeness in wanting to make our town a better place to be.

Giving up and leaving is one way of dealing with our problems (and if it works for you personally - fine) but I for one want to be more constructive in building upon a great basic place to live. Let's all invest in our community in whatever way we can. There are many ways to do this. Not all by national or local government (bless our politicians little hearts) but through our own thoughts and deeds and personal and business relationships. Live life and enjoy it for goodness sake - and don't become a grumpy old man / woman.

I have lived and worked in other places and have found these to be rewarding and interesting life experiences. But there are worse places than Dawlish - as many of us will know. When push comes to shove - I always tend to return to Dawlish - don't know why - but there it is!

More people from Dawlish need to see a bit more of the world in my view - just to appreciate and value what benefits and rewards our town has for us lucky enough to live here.

Yes Dawlish needs re-investment in all sorts of ways. Local entrepreneurs are trying their best in their own way - as are the regeneration group and local government. It needs a collective will to "do right" by our great little town. Yes we need better restaurants, shops, community facilities and the like. And it will happen - I am sure. But if you want all this on your doorstep - then Dawlish really is the wrong place for you to be. Go and live in Exeter, Plymouth, London, Manchester, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Los Angeles or Sydney - or wherever. But it won't be Dawlish. Accept it and be grateful (or leave - whatever - it's your choice - and be thankful that you live a in a free, democratic and relatively tolerant society where you have those choices)and make what improvements we can - collectively or individually.

I do not propose to enter into any further discussion forums as I have better things to do with my life! But as in all things - everyone is entitled to their views and these are mine - live with it.

If you see things that are wrong - take resposibility, get up and do something about it - don't whinge!

Having got these musings off my chest - here are some thoughts that might stimulate others to do something constructive - and not destructive with their lives. There are three main things in life that are unchangeable - as the old saying goes - life, death and taxes.

1. Life and happiness. We are only here once (unless you have other belief systems and well done if your belief system is otherwise)and we all have to co-exist, young, old, rich, poor, black, white, disabled, able bodied, gay, straight, bored, pro-active, scoungers, entrepreneurs or any other "categorisation" that you feel is approprite for you and your beliefs or prejudices. Everyone has prejudices - and thank goodness for that. Otherwise here comes 1984 - again. It's your life. Live it to the full.

2.Death. It comes to us all. But in the life part of existence - live it in your way - the best way you can. Treat others as you would wish to be treated.

3. Taxes. The government taxes all of us - no matter which "categorisation" we are. The only trouble is - spending it wisely seems to be impossible. When do you think they will think of taxing breathing? We all give off CO2 - now there's an idea for Gordon! Stop breathing and you will save the planet! Oh - in the meantime - today you have warmed the globe by 0.000000002794% and you owe me five quid in breathing tax! Give us a break for goodness sake - and simplify the tax system and cut out wasteful civil servants inventing more and more complicated taxes that only Einstein could comprehend.

Remember that "outsiders" visit this site and I dread to think what some will perceive about our way of life and community from some of the views expressed through this open access forum.

Please think carefully and long before you publish! I have left this on my computer for 6 hours - and am still happy with it.

Just in case you are wondering - No I am not a politician - just an ordinary Joe who likes living in Dawlish and who chose pollster as a way of indicating that I have read and disgested a selection of views on the website.

That's all folks!

Will not visit the site again. Have a life to lead and enjoy while I'm here.

Bon voyage to all.


Emperor Solarzoom IV
Emperor Solarzoom IV
26 Feb 2006 05:35

yes, but what are your views on

a) Dog sh*t
b) The carnival
c) Somerfield
d) The amusement arcade
e) Disrespectful young people
f) Rancorous old persons

26 Feb 2006 09:39

Exactly Emp ... I wonder who actually read 'every' word of that long and winding Pollster posting. I didn't ! .. and as for not bothering to return to see the response.. mmm!

If you can't make your point in a few words .. there is usually little to say !

brian sewell
brian sewell
26 Feb 2006 14:22

Well I did read it...and wasted three minutes of my precious life! What a silly pontificating poster! 'oh i have better things to do than to waste time discussing these matters with the hoi polloi!'Plonker!


But others would rather things stay as they are - it suits them and their bank balances better.

Accross The Water
Accross The Water
28 Feb 2006 21:48

To reply to all you sad people who obviously know best.
The only person who owns Dawlish is me and I know where you all live.So to the death as they say and long live the LANSDOWNE @ THE BARTONS HOORAHHHHHH.

seriously worried
seriously worried
06 May 2006 13:10

The thing is guys does anyone actually care who ownes the arcade or is it another excuse to restart the debate that happened this time last year when i told you all exactly who owns the arcade etc.

Dawlish Born and Bread
Dawlish Born and Bread
19 May 2006 21:45

This is true. "they" do own a good amount of property in Dawlish, but WELL DONE them, to start from scratch and get where they are now, what an acheviment, and what lovley friendly people they are to,not just business men but can have a friendly convosation to ,well done ALL , keep up the good work, x x x

Juan Kosof
Juan Kosof
15 Sep 2006 16:42

I own Dawlish! Any problems with this - bring it on!

I'll take the lot of you on!!!!!

the man
the man
20 Oct 2006 18:05

you must be from teignmouth, utterly jealous of dawlish, however i bet an ex dawlish resident

the man
the man
20 Oct 2006 18:06

that was to mindful

04 Apr 2007 15:28


06 Apr 2007 18:52

It used to be owned by the shepherd family then was taken over by harrisons. It is now part of the noble group who own brighton pier.
And tracey harrison is married to phillip noble

09 Jul 2007 10:14

I have had 3 children born whilst i lived in dawlish all have left for a better change in life for employment housing and social reasons Dawlish and Teignmouth are riddled with holiday homes second homes retirement homes and extremely expensive new build.As for the Barton bros good luck to them they have done what most DEVONIANS would like to do but they are too busy sitting in the pub

09 Jul 2007 11:01

Well said !

You know people can always say to the Estate Agent .. 'I do not want to sell at that high price, sell it for less'.
I was in Sussex last week, houses are more expensive there than Dawlish.

I see there is a shop in the middle of town for sale, a chance for a local in Dawlish to set up something you keep wanting? .. but then they will miss it, as you say they are sat in the pub lol.

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