The new pavillion is the fav then on survey monkey, still have to add the surveys that were handed in I presume
These are the combined results of the online survey and the paper questionnaires handed in.
They have been inputted by the council staff to provide a consolidated set of results.
We don't yet know the outcome of the CCF stage one bid. This is a crucial detail as it will tell us how quickly the council has to move to adjust the proposals in light of the public comments. It may be that quick action is required if we are still in that race.
The CCF decision is due in July, so we expect to hear any day now. It seems sensible to wait for this key extra factor before getting into detailed discussions
In the meantime Councillors will want to study the comments written on the survey forms. Clearly changes to the scheme are needed, and this should be guided by what people have written
There is to be a Council meeting on July 30th where all of this will be discussed in public.
I can say that 56% of those who completed the survey do NOT want the proposed new building, I will be extremely disappointed if my fellow Councillors ignore this statistic and plough ahead regardless of public opinion.
Oh here come the CAPS LOCK, not another bickering session. Seems to me you've had your say in spades and you just can't deal with people disagreeing with you.
@Dorian, go look at the statistics! I really have no axe to grind here I just want to implement what the people of Dawlish want for their lawn and if that means asking difficult questions then so be it!!
I have done. You're not asking difficult questions at all, you just don't like the plans. Plenty of others do. GET OVER IT!!
No insult intended but clearly you are not adept at analysing data. Plenty do NOT like the proposed plans and not enough do like the propoosed plans, questions answered!!
No insult taken, my Maths and Stats A Level taught me that anyone can contrive data to support the argument. Lies, damned lies and statistics etc
As 65% don't like the Victorian bandstand idea that you have been cheering on what's your position on that? Sticking with it or abandoning it as it's less popular than the new building idea? Questions, questions !!
Apparently the surveys were a wasted exercise objections or support should have gone TDC Planning Dept
TDC Planning Department - here's the link I gave on the original post concerning this issue.
If you click on it you should be able to access the comments lodged with TDC.
I'd like to publicly thank Margaret Swift for her vigorous campaign to make sure that as many of the electorate as possible were able to see the facts surrounding the proposal, and were therefore able to make a considered decision as to which of the options is their preferred one. Those that have taken part in this consultation exercise, have done so.
I'm sure that should the council be successful in their funding bid, then the verbatim comments provided by those who took part in the consultation will be properly considered.
The only disappointment for me has been the lack of engagement by people under the age of 30.
Roberta, this was about consultation and not about formal objections or support.
I will when I get home tonight Roberta. However the point remains that this has been a consultation exercise outwith the formal planning process. Those of us that took part will either be pleased or displeased at the result for their preference, however one would hope that everybody gracefully accepts the result.
Re young people. I understand Dawlish Community College raised the proposal with their year 10 and year 9 students (year 11 students, having completed their exams, were no longer at the college). Think the students also completed a survey. Don't know what happened to the results of the survey though. Leatash do you know?
PS for those who don't understand school 'new speak', here is a translation: year 10 = fourth year secondary, year 9 = 3rd year secondary
To be honest the results from survey monkey seem pefectly easy to work out 56% of those that bothered to vote DONT want the new bandstand. If the paper vote goes the same way and the objections posted against the planning application out number the letters in favor then its a dead duck, so move on.
What I would see as more important to a council getting near to re-election time is that approximatly 12,318 out of a population of 13,000 couldnt even be bothered to voice an opinion. Now there's something that really needs consideration.
@Dorian, can you please explain how you came to the conclusion that 65% do not like the victorian bandstand idea?
As several people have commented already on this question on the survey 'Which statement best reflects your opinion about the bandstand'
Keep it clean and tidy, but don't change it - 20.34% 131.
A victorian style feature - 35.71% 230.
Replace it with the proposed new facility 43.94% 283.
The first 2 statements certainly do not want the proposed new facility and the % adds up to 56.05% with a total of 361. Which in my day was a little higher than those who want the bandstand to be replaced with the proposed new facility at 35.71% and 230.
I have just spent considerable time reading all the objections on the above link that Lynne posted, and can honestly say I wholeheartedly agree with them
Negative, or vacuum, statistics take the preferences and subtract from 100 to get opposition %ages., thus 80% DIDN'T want the bandstand left as it is, just tidied up, 64% DIDN'T want a Victorian style edifice, and 56% DIDN'T want the proposed solution. So, where do you go from there? Hit your head against a brick wall?
As there were three options for the bandstand question and again for the Playpark, any preference over 33% is a swing towards that option.
So, the expressed preferences are for the present proposal (in general) and the playpark where it is shown.
Before hitting the reply button it may be worth checking to note how your age group voted. The oldies on the whole hated it and the young-uns wanted it.
I am an exception in my age group, needless to say.
Sorry Robert but any way you look at it your proposal lost the vote, now stop trying to confuse the issue, and dont waste anymore of our money trying to ammend the application.
Bow out gracefully before your forced out like the last Con/dem lot and say to yourself - well at least I tried. Which in reallity is more than can be said for the 12,000 or so that cant be bothered.
Roberta - Dawlish isent dying, its no different than its been since the charity shops started to move in twelve years ago. The only part of Dawlish thats struggling is the town centre itself, and thats mainly due to greedy landlords and ridiculas business rates. If you want change leave the Strand, Lawn and Brunswick as they are and go for more development at Shutterton and the Warren. Eventually all the Strand shops will be converted into flats and so there you have it the future.
Bob, sadly you are banging your head against the proverbial brick wall with some of this lot. Sadly I knew that it would be impossible for some to accept the result with good grace.
As for those who don't seem to be able to do the maths (either to deliberately cause confusion or to accidentally do so), there were three choices of preference, and the one that receives the highest number of votes wins. It's as simple as that.
This is easily resolved, give the people a proper vote in a referendum. Even if we do not get through to the second round of this bid we will be trying for other money so we really do need to know what all the people of Dawlish want.
So, Margaret, what will be the referendum question that requires only a YES/NO answer that will get you any closer to knowing how to save Dawlish?
Don't forget also that a referendum costs money as TDC will have to hold it for us, unlike the consultation that cost only our time .
I think as has been shown by this exercise the vast amount of the population dont care, which is very sad, so in referendum it will most probably be the same 6-700 people. Robert some of the objectors are traders so they dont seem to worry about bringing more business in as important as you do. All that money spent to open up the Strand and the Lawn to be blocked off by a huge building now, might as well have kept the wall. And the undersirables that frequented the shelter by the bowling green will now go onto your lovely pavillion steps instead, or congregate around the back. Im all for a new bandstand but not the proposed one
ALLEMS - it's been answered by others but I based it on the same flawed logic as Margaret Swift's - deduct however many want it from 100 to get who don't want it. Like I said, anyone can use statistics to make their argument more plausible.
I've asked Alex Salmond if he'll include it in the Scottish referendum and I've told Dave I'll vote for him if he promises to include it in the European referendum (of course that's not true).
I acknowledge this pavilion is more popular that I'd hoped but I still think the Lawn should be a place for calm and quiet recreation, not shattered by kids screaming and basketballs pounding. Have a smaller one where the Tourist Information is (incorporate Tourist Information in it, you'll have ready made visitors). It doesn't have to be dual purpose. Have the Victorian bandstand too, with state of the art sound for bands, folding glass panels to protect performers/equipment from the weather (and store deckchairs under it for brass bands). Everyone wins (apart from the 20% who want to keep the current bandstand).
But if more people want something else, so be it. I'm not going to scream and scream until I'm sick.