Labour/Lib dems in the Commons are doing there best to scuttle the Democratic vote on an E U referendum promised if the Conservatives are
returned to power?
All Part of a desperate chirade from all main parties to prevent the British people from having there say on a European Super state,
Lets all hope at the may 2014 European Elections the three main parties are hit with a Massive Earth Quake of votes leaving them no option but
to give the people of this country the Democratic right to have there say?
And to make this Country truly Democratic a Democracy that Millions of our Fore farther Fought and lost there lives for!
This is outrageous. We need to get out of the EU. Whatever the benefits are they are outweighed by the drawbacks.
We can't vote yes as this would give Brussels the green light to be far more ridiculous than they are now.
So a no vote would be great, to get out of this EU experiment that clearly doesn't work for us. Perhaps for loser countries it is beneficial but not for the UK. It's just a noose round our neck.
Absolutely no surprise there.
Now the parties believe they are level pegging no advantage to vote Tory?
I see Mr CAMERON HAS NO SUPPORT FROM HIS FRENCH BUDDIE i hope he didn`t buy him to many drinks?
@spiral1 If you want to live in a democratic country then you have to accept you cant have it your own way all of the time just because you believe its the way forward some of us may look at Camerons promise as nothing more than hot air to gain votes after all he is a Torie. DEMOCRACY, Enables the free and equal practice of political self determination.
Well seems the government is going to use the Parliament Act to get it through they did with fox hunting bill. Lords seems a bit pointkess.
Our connections with Europe cost us over £55 million a day. Loads of British jobs rely on Europe.
If the British people had an in/out vote on Europe it would be a big mistake because the British people largely are kept in the dark about Europe care of the right wing press, and the media generally. So they would be making uninformed decisions.
When it comes to the UKIP?, they are relying on the immigration ticket to get them a few votes at the next general election.