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General Discussion

Moving the goalposts on fuel poverty.

02 Dec 2013 07:19

I have just read that the government has decided to change the definition of fuel poverty by ammending the Energy bill. Fuel poverty will be defined as follows: 'Those with above average fuel costs which leaves them with a residual income below the official poverty line' This manipulation of the figures will mean 800000 wil be considered not in fuel poverty.

It just proves once again that our politicians are not acting in the best interests of our people, instead just playing a political game at the expense (once again) of those in our society that struggle to meet the cost of their basic needs. Why can't our governments of all political leanings just deal with issues based on fact rather than the manipulation of figures for their own benefit, how is that helping anyone exept the politicians.

The government also say that they intend to reduce the annual energy cost to households by £50. Where will this £50 come from........taxation, so we will still be paying, just by another means. Smoke and mirrors!   

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