Music on the lawn this evening and many businesses staying open later as part of the towns Summer Nights venture. This is every Tuesday through August.
What time does it start please? Is there anywhere I can get more info, as to who is playing, what genre of music etc?
Thank you.
I think it's fifties music tonight-acoustic. There are some children's activities as well. Those shops taking part will have details in their shop window. I'm sure it was mentioned in last weeks Gazzette as well. Hope that helps.
Every Tuesday except carnival week.
6th August 4pm-7pm Live music with acoustic covers from the 50s by Ian Parkes.
20th August 4pm-7pm Live music with acoustic folk by Mick Avis and covers by Blame Andy.
27th August 4pm-7pm Live music with acoustic covers by the Freak Brothers and the Locked Box Project.
@Carer hope this helps.