I read the first line to where you call him an 'odious pig; I;m sorry not reading any more. of that lot. I am sure Ian Duncan Smith will be interested to know what you have called him on here..
I see nothing gets posted when on the news this week that things are picking up in the country ...and what about your beloved Ed (laboue leader by the way) having eggs chucked at him yesterday! lol.
Ive no idea why 2 postings came up, and Im no fan of Ed neither, this was copied and pasted from a page
Wondering, You should have scrolled down to the following statement "
OK ...but you see I note you only search the dirt re Torys ...I dont think Labour are squeaky clean. If Tony Blair came back he would probably win!
I dread the thought that anybody want a man back that lied about the WMD and took us to war led by the nose by Bush, and then has the nerve to allow himself to be given the job of Middle East Peace Envoy. To be honest I do not have a lot of faith in any of the Politicians. I dont think any of them are squeaky clean.
What ever the politcal preferences one thing you can be assured of is
they will be a total W----R
What most of us already knew http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/09/04/universal-credit_n_3867178.html?utm_hp_ref=uk&utm_hp_ref=uk