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General Discussion

Locals opinions appreciated

10 Jun 2007 20:49

How clean really are the Dawlish beaches and where, say from Coryton to Dawlish Warren, is the best place to swim?

Someone in Dawlish
Someone in Dawlish
11 Jun 2007 11:14

Not sure about cleanliness but apparently there are herds of jellyfish in our shores at the moment..........

A Local
A Local
11 Jun 2007 13:49

Coryton cove is very clean, i swam in the sea there this weekend. Dont be fooled by the brown foam, its not sewage as some grockels would have you think its algae and causes no harm. I cant comment on the beaches towards dawlish warren as i dont go on them due to dogs being allowed to releave themselves there all year round. Never mind at least some beaches are safe from them.

11 Jun 2007 17:46

alocal wrote, "its not sewage as some grockels would have you think its algae and causes no harm."

Then why does it only hang around the river outlet at the viaduct?

A Local
A Local
12 Jun 2007 16:17

because tide and river flow keeps it there you moron, did you go to school? look what happens at the base of the waterfalls, things get stuck der brain.

12 Jun 2007 22:30

Using that kind of language makes you the moron

A Local
A Local
14 Jun 2007 12:20

What, plain English?

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