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General Discussion

Ugly Duckling

07 Apr 2007 18:50

it does seem to me that the witches bowl has an unusual amount of posts praising themselves compared to others, many advertising opening times and the like.
i am in agreeance with an earlier post, for me one of the better resturants in dawlish is the ugly duckling, maybe the witches bowl is in direct competition with ugly duckling and losing, forcing them to employ this tactic, thankfully the ugly ducklings ethics are like there food and service, good and honest.

07 Apr 2007 19:42

Thankfully the Ugly Duckling's ethics are like their food, good and honest.
I will go along with that full stop.

07 Apr 2007 20:30

No, you are wrong in your assumption. I have eaten at both establishments as a genuine customer with no bias towards either. The Witches Bowl in my opinion is more intimate and more special for a romantic dinner for two. For families then the Ugly Duckling may be better as it does burgers and most things with chips which are popular with kids. I have found both friendly and good service. At the end of the day it depends on what atmosphere you are after. What we do need in Dawlish is more choice of classier places to eat.

07 Apr 2007 21:42

Sharon is spot on. We've eaten at both. Both are good in their own way. Good food well cooked and generous portions. Bring it on!!!

08 Apr 2007 01:28

i've eaten in bothe the duckling and the witches bowl and found them both good places, they both offer different things and the staff is good in both i think its nice to have variety, it would be a boring place if there wasn't, the brewrey was nice to. has anyone tried salmis?? i've not been there but was thinking of it?

10 Apr 2007 13:50

go past salamis when there are people sitting in the window eating. Tinned peas, tinned carrots etc come to mind...

10 Apr 2007 22:33

thanks for the tip off!, i will give salamis a miss then.

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