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Dawlish Warren/Shutterton Bridge cyclepath - why is it still closed?

05 May 2013 14:38

Just thought I fling in my fourpennyworth concerning things in Dawlish not progressing as perhaps they might.

My particular moan concerns the yet to be opened cyclepath linking Shutterton Bridge and Dawlish Warren.

Back last November I was told that it had not been opened up to the public because of landownership issues. Then, throughout the winter we had the road works taking place at Shutterton Bridge so it seemed to me to be perfect sense that the path should be closed.

But Hey! Guess what? Here we are at the beginning of the tourist season, the road works (that side of Shutterton Bridge) have ceased but............the cyclepath is still closed.

Very very recent enquiries by me of them wot knows about these things, have brought the same response as I was given last November - there are issues about landownership.

Now, as that is all I am being told I have no idea what the problem(s) is/are but it has occurred to me that perhaps whatever it is that is causing the problem should and could have been sorted out before the path was built? 

Does anyone know how much the building of the path cost and where the money came from? 

An even better question of course is "Does anyone know when it will open?"  


2 Agrees
05 May 2013 18:44

The path should never have been even considered let alone built.

Didnt the Police ask for it not to be opened as it was a direct escape to the main road for anyone wishing to carry out crime down the Warren.

Its no use wasting money on cycle paths until the lycra clad idiots are educated in how to use them. The same offenders every day on Exeter road have no intention of using the cycle path provided. Make them pay road tax, have insurance and a safety certificate for their cycles.


4 Agrees
07 May 2013 17:48

My understanding of it was that they built the two end bits, in the hopes that they could sort out the land ownership of the middle section by the time they had built the other bits (and no doubt hope to push the point with the landowner).  But it didn't happen so the paths don't meet in the middle section and so remains closed.  Good joined up thinking going on there then.

07 May 2013 18:05

@MichaelClayson - any chance you could find out for us please just what exactly is the landownership problem all about?  

07 May 2013 18:21

 @Lynne. i will happily ask questions and report back, but i anticipate hitting a confidentiality barrier if land negotiations are really involved.  it's not an issue i've been involved with thus far, but i will enquire

07 May 2013 19:54

Thanks for having a 'go' though. 

 As you say, I suspect land negotiations are involved, hence confidentiality, hence all I get is "there is a landownership issue" whenever I have made enquiries as to why the path has not been opened.

Look forward to seeing what you get back (or, what you are allowed to put in the public domain from what you get back..........)   

08 May 2013 00:32

I will report as soon as I receive a reply


Just to be absolutely clear, there is no question of me being given information by Devon County Council that is not able to be put into the public domain, as a mere town councillor I would not be allowed to know any confidential details.


As it is, I always declare with such enquiries that I will be publicising the answers given, it seems only fair to make that known up front so that the respondent knows what I will be doing with the information provided.

08 May 2013 00:32

I just wish - with all the money that has been spent - that cyclists would use the cycle paths.


And 'Yes' I know I'm coming in for some flak on that post!

3 Agrees
08 May 2013 08:13

Although not directly concerned with the Dawlish Warren/Shutterton Bridge still to be opened cycle path, I thought I post this letter, published in today's Dawlish Gazette, concerning other  delays in completing the Exeter to Dawlish cycle route.


"Is politics in way of cycle trail?

Wednesday, 08 May 2013

robert parrish, of Swan Road, Starcross, writes:

As a keen local cyclist I was interested to see in your report that the Exe Estuary Cycle Trail made an impression with the All Party Parliamentary Groups Cycling Inquiry.

Unfortunately, and frustratingly, it is yet to link Exmouth with Dawlish, as you have stated.

The last I read of the final link on the west side, between The Turf Locks and Powderham, is that it is not due to be completed for another 18 months – in autumn 2014.

I cannot even guess at why this should be when a) the county council have finally secured planning permission for the bridge over the railway, despite many years of local objections, and b) they have the money to complete the route now.

It can only be a lack of political will that is holding this section up now that they have the go-ahead. Indeed, the eastern side of the route was hardly contemplated when the plans were introduced to complete the western side, yet the Exmouth side is finished and we at Starcross, Kenton and Dawlish still have to share a potholed footpath (which we shouldn’t be on) to complete the circuit.

It is beyond comprehension that the county council cannot see that completion of the western side would give Exeter and Marsh Barton-bound commuting cyclists, risking life and limb on the busy A379, a far safer alternative for their daily journeys. 

At 68 I am in the twilight of my cycling years, so I sincerely hope that I am still able to turn a pedal when the trail is ­– eventually – finished."

08 May 2013 08:18

Unless the Police or maybe traffic wardens have the power to enforce there use, most cycle paths are a waste of money. The Shutterton bridge one should never have been considered and hopefully will never be opened. Not only is it a easy route for thieves to access the industrial premises along side, but the steep bank and drop into the brook make it unsafe for little ones. 

The issue of land ownership and rights of way only goes to prove the incompetence of the people who dream up these idiot schemes. Hopefully if such person is in the public employ they have been sacked.

3 Agrees
13 May 2013 08:09

Just been looking at the Teignbridge Core Strategy concerning the future development of Dawlish. This is what it says about the Shutterton Bridge/Dawlish Warren cyclepath.


"8.22 Significant provision of new public open space is proposed to support growth at Dawlish,to provide new opportunities for sport / recreation, walking and cycling and for growing food locally. The strategic ‘blue and green’ route along the Shutterton Brook will provide improved access for non-car users from new development to Dawlish Warren and its rail station."


Perhaps that statement of intent should have included the rider 'subject to landownership issues being sorted out'. 

Heard anything back yet Michael?  






13 May 2013 09:31

I've cycled from Dawlish to Exmouth via the Topsham ferry.  The Exmouth side is superb and they've done a good job on part of the route from Dawlish Warren to Cockwood.  The sooner the whole route is finished the better. 

19 May 2013 15:57



I promised to make enquiries about what was happening with the Shutterton / Dawlish Warren cycle link.


I have now had the following reply from the officers at Devon County Council

“The last correspondence I had on this was on the 9th of May and it said that Teignbridge Council are waiting on the legal agreement with the landowner. It is envisaged that this should mean the path from Dawlish Warren to Shutterton could potentially be open in the next couple of weeks.”

19 May 2013 16:48

Thank you Michael - let's hope the 'potentially' becomes an actuality. 

19 May 2013 18:42

Lets hope they bulldoze it and stop wasting our money. The Police should have the final word in addition to the surrounding business owners.

25 May 2013 16:30

Went by it today (Shutterton Bridge end)'s open!

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