Had a walk down to have a look . seem a bit big & a lot of them. are they going to stay the same colour ?
New Christmas illuminations to be purchased too which will give a better display than previous years. All part of effort to create better environment and give traders fighting chance in this age of Internet shopping
Like the inbuilt Seagull perches, ideal for dive bombing ones chips or ice cream. How long before the charity shops hang thier begging banners up there, bet they already have them on order from vistaprint.
Dont forget to turn them off at midnight to save money
@Michael Clayson - Is there any way that all the temporary tarmac and gravel could be used to level up and improve Commons Lane (off Sutton Close - top of Stockton Hill). Better than it all going to landfill (and cheaper!).
Some may say I have a vested interest as we have a field off it but I see people walking their dogs there and have a hell of a time getting through the quagmires there. I have a small 4x4 so it really doesn't affect me.
It is a public footpath which leads from the top of Stockton and eventually comes out at Upper Meadow Rise/Meadow Park area.
I've got a contact at JTT (the contractors) but don't want to suggest anything without official authorisation.
Hi Huw
it's a Devon County contract, so I'd suggest you contact Arron Carpenter at DCC and discuss. 0845 155 1004. Arron.carpenter@devon.gov.uk
Avoiding landfill and improving a public footpath sounds like a double win
Occurs to me that you will also need to be clear who actually owns the footpath. I think DCC will have that information recorded as part of a process called the Definitive Map which last I heard was dealt with by the Environment Department at County Hall
Sorry for the delay in replying Michael - lost the post/plot for a while.
I think this may be part of the problem (i.e. no one admits responsibility for it). It's a shame because lots of walkers use it and had a nightmare due to the amount of rain for the last year.
I don't think it would take much to sort out. Perhaps JTT might do it as a community scheme due to the (at least) 2 big contracts they've had in the town?