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Big Brother

08 Mar 2013 17:50

This was posted on a site Ive been looking at


Here is another "initiative" the government is implementing as we speak, yet when were we the public informed of this ?

I just had a meeting at work today, we had a little man from the home office taking part of the meeting. Not sure if any of you guys have heard of the changes ahead for us in the UK, our government are bringing in something called the "real time initiative".
Basically every time you get paid by your employer they now have to submit a report on you, everything goes to this new department, your full name, DOB, address, exact amount of wage, tax paid, NI paid..everything about you. The government are saying this is to make sure you pay the correct amount of tax BUT its what they are doing with this info thats worrying. There 9000 people employed in Newcastle to sift through this info, its been cross referenced against ALL out standing debts IE poll tax, council tax, parking fines, speeding tickets, child maintenance basically any... money your are due to any government department from ANY time in your life. They are then issuing enforcement orders to your employer to take this cash directly from your next wages. My company are part of the pilot scheme for this, we did a test of 100 employees....19 enforcement orders came back, 2 people were deported.
This is all been tied in with the scrapping of ALL benefits and replacing them with the "Universal benefit" this is the ONLY thing people can claim and is caped per address at 16000 for 1 person household and 26000 for multiple persons.
They are also going to enforce the rarely used payment for ER treatment if you cant prove that you have a UK residence, so if your in an accident are are not able to give them your NIN, then you will get a bill for ER treatment, you then have to claim it back at a latter date once you can prove your a UK resident.
08 Mar 2013 18:26

Did the little man say what would happen if an employer refused to provide this information. As a business owner myself I would refuse to do any extra work of this type unless I was paid for doing it. Sounds like a big return to casual workers being paid cash in hand is on the cards here. Good job the Rumainians are due over any time soon.

08 Mar 2013 23:04

This may be the new HMRC system coming in from the 6th April that all employers have to follow, they have to send to HMRC every time they pay their employees details of pay, tax & ni. This is so that the revenue has the ability to check individuals tax payments to make sure that they are correct, they will also have details of any taxable benefits and pensions.

The benefits of this is that no longer will individuals have unexpected tax bills or refunds at the end of the year because the revenue will be able to adjust individual allowances as the tax year progresses.

09 Mar 2013 07:16

Wonder what a new HMRC system has got to do with the Home Office ?

09 Mar 2013 08:19

Could it be that the person was suspected of employing illegal imigrants

09 Mar 2013 09:03

I'm just curious to know how bills for treatment by the NHS will get paid if the person concerned does not normally live in this country or is living in this country but below officialdom's radar.

A bill may well be issued but what if the person concerned cannot be traced afterwards? How can payment be enforced? 

09 Mar 2013 09:11

I thought we had laws in this country like the

Data protection act

EU human rights directive

Will the next step be for the banks having to provide your statement data so that these people can see how much you earn and what you spend it on

Forthcoming headline will be Lap Top found on bus containing HMRC database or new database hacked by students or international terrorists.

Suppose the corrupt and illegally run credit referance agencies will also be allowed to tap into this system.

This country is on a downward spiral to total civil disruption on a scale that will make the London riots seem childplay.

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