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General Discussion

01 Nov 2012 20:39

Thursday, November 1


  • The bright "star" above the Moon this evening is Jupiter. Although they look close together, Jupiter is 1,500 times farther away. Aldebaran, to their right, is 930,000 times more distant than Jupiter!
01 Nov 2012 22:35

Interesting. I'm sure I've also read that elsewhere. Great minds clearly think alike!





02 Nov 2012 07:02

Quite right. It was remiss of me to not put quotation marks around my posting and give the source of my information. 

Just wanted to get the info out to people who might have been interested, as was I last night, as to what the two bright shiny things either side of the moon were.


I'll try to remember to give full references whenever necessary in all future postings although if I forget no doubt you will provide them. (and don't forget to provide a bibliography as well)

And we will all be much obliged I'm sure.

02 Nov 2012 08:02

No need for that Lynne.

After all, wasn't it Voltaire who wrote, "Originality is nothing but judicious plagiarism"?


02 Nov 2012 09:42

And of course it's one of those starnge paradoxes of the universe that what you are seeing may not actually exist!  You are seeing Aldebaran as it was about 60 years ago so in the time it has taken for its light to reach us it may have disappeared into a black hole.  It could be all illusion and we won't know for another 60 years.

02 Nov 2012 09:51

“Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.”

T.S. Eliot


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