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General Discussion

26 Sep 2012 19:14

This has been posted on Eyes of Dawlish. Glad I'm not the only one concerned about the (lack of) allotment provision in Dawlish. Hope the writer doesn't mind my reproducing her comments on here.

So Teignbridge are planning to charge £100 for a half plot at Lanherne and£150 for a whole one.. No water or other amenities on site.This is to "ensure that its administration costs are covered" i.e an invoice annually. They say there's a waiting list too then announce that the Council"envisages this land to be disposed of sometime in 2014".[Wonder what that means?]
Don't we need more allotments, not fewer? Some people have tended their plots with dedication for years. The charges are way above the national average.Many can't afford this.
What can we do to save allotments for Dawlish, sorry"garden agreements".Whatever we call them we need to save them. Dawlish waited years for Brown Brook.If we lose them now we will never get them back.


18 Oct 2012 11:41

From the minutes of Dawlish Town Council's Civic Amenities Committee meeting September 2012.



Dawlish Town Council


Date: 12th September 2012

Subject: Browns Brook Allotments

History & Background

Browns Brook Allotments have been operation since 2007 the land is rented from the Luscombe Estate on a long term lease.

A local council must formally consider any written request by six or more electors to operate the Allotments Act and, in addition, if it is of the opinion there is a demand it is bound to provide allotments. (Small Holding and Allotments Act 1908, s 23(2)

Current Situation

There are 27 plots a Browns Brook which are all occupied and paid for until the end of December 2012 and 97 people on the waiting list.

Over the past year to eighteen months due to the negotiation of the new lease and a lack of continuity of the administration some plots have remained empty or not cultivated to the level required in the agreement. This has caused people in the town to comment about the state of some of them and question the operation of the waiting list. Information has also been received that some plots are being work by people other than the plot holders.

Over recent months we have regularly inspected the plots and spoken to holders that were not cultivating to the required standard. A couple of plot holders have been quite ill and have had family/friends keeping the plot to a reasonable standard and two other plot holders have given up plots as personal circumstances have changed. We are now running with 27 occupied cultivated plots.

There is an active allotment association made up from the plot holders which has recently had a change of committee. They are keen to work with the Town Council to ensure the allotments operate well for the plot holders, the Town Council and the landlord. In recent weeks they have communicated regularly with the Town Council to confirm the paths and areas that the parish maintainer looks after and met with Don and Derek on site. The association have also spoken to Luscombe estate to discuss the management of trees and to discuss the possibility of positioning an eco toilet at the site.


To arrange a site visit to Browns Brook by CAC committee representatives to review the current plots and identify potential areas of improvement or identify any problems occurring on site. To arrange a meeting of the Allotments Association and representatives from the CAC committee to discuss developing the area for the future and to go over any problems and concerns.


02 Nov 2012 08:22

Thought I would bring to your attention this submission by TDC's Green Infrastructure Co-ordinator concerning the planning application (due to be heard later this month) by Shutterton Park Ltd to build some 300 or so houses behind Sainsbury's.

The points (which I've highlighted in red) made by the Green Infrastructure Co-ordinator concerning allotments and fruit/nut growing trees and plants should also be pertinent to any other planning applications waiting to be submitted.


"Date: 25th October 2012
Reference: 12/02281/MAJ
Location: - Dummy Address,
Applicant: Shutterton Park Ltd

I refer to the above application and can advise as follows:-


· Open space - The proposed development retains approximately one third of existing
landscape structure as open space. This is considered low, and I would recommend
seeking to increase onsite provision in line with the TCPA and DCLG recommended level
of at least 40% (DCLG (2009) Planning Policy Statement: Eco-towns. A Supplement to
Planning Policy Statement 1. Section ET14. London: Department for Communities and
Local Government.


· Interpretation and gym - Proposals should make provision for interpretation and
incorporate trim trail exercise stations.


· Local food - The proposals should include requirements for edible planting, including at
least 25% fruit and nut trees within the planting scheme and allotments at the rate of 20
standard plots per 1000 dwellings to address likely demand.


· The LEMP - should ensure the management of retained and proposed habitats into the
long-term, and identify competent parties and adequate funding to deliver it.


· Access - Proposals should ensure strong connections to Shutterton Brook cycle path and
convenient and regular access points for pedestrians and cycles onto Shutterton Lane
and linking to Sainsbury’s and the bus stop. Use of Shutterton Lane as a Green Lane
should be supported by a highways designation. A pedestrian/cycle access at the north
western corner of the site should be provided to link to the bridleway heading
northwest from the site.


· SUDS - A network of SUDS features that incorporate habitat for wildlife where possible
should be demonstrated for the proposed housing numbers.

· Habitat buffers - Sections through Shutterton Lane should be provided to ensure
adequate habitat buffers to hedges and appropriate frontages to support effective
management within the public realm.

· Landscape buffer - Further consideration is needed for the landscape buffer to the east
of the site which provides a publicly accessible space backed onto by existing properties
which presents a potential management and security issue. Further consideration is also
needed for the ‘Green Street’ and how sufficient planting will be incorporated to
provide a strong green connection to Shutterton Lane within the proposed housing


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