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General Discussion

Where's the all night rave?

26 Aug 2012 06:33

Are my ears playing tricks on me (my ear drums perhaps?) or am I still really hearing the thud thud thud of drums which started sometime last evening and which can still be heard now, at 6.30am. Wonder how loud it must sound to all those still in tents in caravans (noise sounds as though it's coming from Haldon Hill way) as if I can hear it through bricks and mortar it must be even louder to those staying on the holiday parks.



26 Aug 2012 10:41

Cofton Woods Lynne, people are complaining about it on EOD

26 Aug 2012 10:47


I have relatives on holiday at Cofton this weekend - they have a three year old and an 8 month old with them. No doubt I will hear their version of events sometime today.

Just gone onto TDC's Environmental Health website to check out situation re making complaints concerning noise. Guess what? When I click on the link to take me to how I can lodge a complaint it says "Sorry this has now been switched off".

Pity EH didn't do some switching off last night over at Cofton!


26 Aug 2012 11:17

Maybe its been switched off with the amount of complaints!!!!

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