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General Discussion

10 Jan 2012 08:59

Has anyone seen the letter to residents of Elm Grove Road from Devon County Council dated 6th January regarding changing the road layout and introducing yellow lines.

It appears this work is due to commence on 16th January, which dosen't seem to give anybody time to object.

This cannot be right have checked the web for their application to central government for the required road order and cannot find it.

Please be aware that DCC have done this sort of thing before

10 Jan 2012 18:36

Is this the 'scheme', seems to claim letters were sent out last year, but only had a quick read so can't make an informed comment

10 Jan 2012 19:13

It seems very similar as a description of works, but seems to refer to the minutes of a council meeting rather than a planning document sent out for public comment. The letter I believe sent out is dated 6th January 2012 and virtually gives notice that the work is due to commence on 16th January 2012.

From my point of view I cannot see the point of narrowing a road which is proposed to be the main access to a new developement of around 350 houses surely the road needs to be widened to accomodate the extra traffic safely.

Having transported all four of my children to both schools over the last 15 years daily by car I have never witnessed any problem with the current layout. Maybe the odd badly parked car and some incompetent drivers. What I also haven't seen however is many pupils cycling to either school a few walking maybe but they probably live locally.

This is therefore nothing more than a scam to get more grant money and raise even more by policing the parking restrictions, narrowing the road and building speed humps etc certainly isn't going to improve access for emergency vehicals just the opposite.

Hope the residents realise how their property values will be affected by yellow lines and claim compensation accordingly.

Have looked again for the application to central government for a road traffic order and still cannot find such.

12 Jan 2012 12:55

This topic seems to have found its way onto Eyes of Dawlish (facebook) very interesting comment regarding the cycle path money being better spent on Youth sport. Totally agree the paths in Dawlish which have already been instigated have very little use, look an absolute disgrace(replacing the grass verges and still we have to put up with the lycra clad half witts wobbling along the main road without insurance etc.

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