Some have said that there's an organised witch-hunt against the current Carnival 'committee', orchestrated by former members of it and aided and abetted by the Gazette. Others are saying that the current 'committee' are doing themselves no favours with their words and actions against those who question them? What's the consensus of those amongst us that live locally and those that live afar?
from what Ive read people where accepted onto the committee at the AGM but behind their backs they had already formed a Ltd Company. Those new people have been told they are not wanted now, the whole AGM was a con. The ltd com was formed in Oct AGM was Nov, having read what Ive read I wouldnt say it was a witch hunt more a case of shady dealings by the Carnival people.
i think this isnt a witch hunt,far from it more like locals trying to help and voice the concerns at how the carnival went this year eg rowlands fairs,prices of certain events and the general way it went,and from what i can gather from other social meeting sites,local papers and talking with freinds and associates (they are a wide range of people of all ages voicing thier concerns since the carnival) for example look on facebook eyes of dawlish one of earliest post for people being not happy is the 30th of august this is voicing people conerns about the carnival they do go before that but this is got alot of people commenting on it,so i think this shows people were not happy then,interesting post on the 7th sept shows its just not ex memebers or as you have witch hunters voicing there concerns,and now with this l;astest development i think people are just getting annoyed because it seems they dont want to or even cared who they upset or have the interest of the carnival at heart
yes the carnival does take alot of running and my hat goes of too all past and present who help run it.but this is nt on this close shop attitude
i myself find it very sad that dawlish people have to fight to have a say on dawlish carnival
we should all be working to promote dawlish not fighting each other
1 point maybe if someone on the committee should comment it might help