Sat in the car today in the Strand waiting for my daughter I was really very alarmed by the actions of various Dawlish taxis. With the traffic lights causing queues I saw taxis:
1. Drive completly onto and wait on the pavement outside Lloyds bank.
2. Drive over the pavement - causing pedestrians to stand in the entrance of a shop to avoid being hit.
3. Jump the lights - more times than I care to remember.
4. Honking horns and tailgating an elderly motorist who dared to pull out of a parking space into a gap between cars, the back one being the taxi.
5. Refusing to allow parked cars out - I know they dont have to but a bit of courtesy goes along way !!
6. Obstructing other motorists by just stopping to drop off or pick up a fare in the most innapropriate places.
7. Stopping in loading areas causing problems to delivery vehicles.
One of the taxis registrations ended in MRX (Dawlish Taxis I think), seemed to be a regular offender,
If any of you cabbies are reading this I just want to say I understand you have a job to do but you have no more legal rights than any other motorist but some of you drive like you think you do.
I was horrified by the standard of driving I witnessed today. So come on all you cab firms in Dawlish, time to clean your act up a bit, dont you realise it is your potential customers that witness your aggogant and sometimes dangerous driving. I for one will seriously think twice before ordering a taxi in Dawlish !
had a Grab a Cab come out of side road right in front of me to day causing me to do an emergency stop!!!!!!
Saw a Taxi this morning taking kids to school on his mobile tried to get his number to report him but he was going to fast. Cab drivers generally have some really bad driving habits last week one overtook me on Exeter road they should be taken of the road and never allowed in a Taxi again