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General Discussion

Can U get Head-size sergery??

Steven royal
Steven royal
17 Oct 2006 21:04

i ave a massive Head (on ma shoulders) n i want a reduction can i get it dun?? my gf finds it sexy bt i cant agree i dnt get turned on when i look in the mirror anymore.i looked it up on da web bt unless u remeove some brain it cant be dun. i dnt have a large brain bt i have a lot of extra bone n air. My hole family are affected and it is very upsettin. we get picked on and i get called melon/football head. my dad says im special bt i feel like a freak. please i need help nowaday i cannot get thou normal sized doors or go 2 bed without gettin neck ache. also wen i create a shadow people run away screamin. and i couldnt work out y!!
PLEASE im gettin desparate.

DCC fan
DCC fan
17 Feb 2007 23:34

Why dont you learn to read, write and speak English first?

john brown
john brown
18 Feb 2007 14:47

try putting your head in a GAS oven turn on taps but dont light the gas you will feel no pain after twenty minutes.

English Teacher
English Teacher
05 Mar 2007 11:01

Why doesn't DCC fan learn how to put apostrophes into their sentances first before commenting on others grammar?

inglish stewdent
inglish stewdent
14 Mar 2007 21:02

i fink i sin u in da strete, i fort it wus da elefant man. y dont u get a job in a circus? im amazed u got a gf, wer u takin her gide dog 4 a wark? its ur mum i feel sory 4, it must ave maid her i's water givin burf 2 u.

stephen royle
stephen royle
22 Mar 2007 14:25

who did this is a f*king tw*t :D

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