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General Discussion

Hells Bells
Hells Bells
14 Apr 2011 14:51

Just a thought - now that Ladys Mile have got their permission to have extra pitches does that then mean that loss of holiday accommodation can't be a reason for refusal to Tesco's?

Any thoughts?

14 Apr 2011 17:02

Bring it on the more supermarkets in town or out of town, the more competition and that can only mean lower prices and better offers.

Tesco beat Sainsbury's on price all the time everywhere.

Hope they build a nice car park with free parking for locals and maybe a free bus from Holcombe and West Cliff preferably avoiding the pedestrianized town center with its sad old charity shops and estate agents, and hopefully a decent cafe with breakfasts and meals at sensible family prices.

More investment for the Warren side of town is just what we need leave the town and its not interested people to the historians and swans.

Truthfully though I expect the two supermarkets to become white elephants with very few customers especially in the winter and like most businesses in Dawlish only just profitable. The public and food producers are slowly beginning a backlash against the supermarket giants due to their ruthless purchasing policies and their unfair competition practices

Only time will tell

Hells Bells
Hells Bells
15 Apr 2011 12:19

I think you could possibly be right about them becoming white elephants.

They won't be hugely busy in the winter, but they aren't interested in individual shops just group profits and having a shop everywhere!

Michael clayson
Michael clayson
27 Apr 2011 01:08

Anybody know when decision on Tesco will be made?

27 Apr 2011 04:23

Don't know when the outcome of the Tesco Appeal will be known but do know that the Appeal Hearing is scheduled to start on Tuesday 17th May. Due to run over three days I believe.

27 Apr 2011 15:47

Tesco are already in Dawlish, it's called One Stop, been owned by Tesco since 2003 and there will never be a 'white elephant' Tesco or Sainsbury store, both companies are far too clever to let that happen. Pricewise, Tesco are more expensive for a lot of their products than other supermarkets, trouble is most shoppers these days are easily hoodwinked by the flashy ads in most supermarkets and don't look at what they are buying, that is in respect of quantity and quality.

It's about time people read the labels, what is the percentage meat in those cheap sausages?? that are labelled so the gullible will pay for meat products that have about 30% meat in, cheap food will always be cheap but it's better to look for value for money quality food.

Whilst I rarely shop at Tesco as they don't offer value for money, I have no time for Tesco bashers, they are a very innovative company and deserve their success, everyone tells you how they hate Tesco but their stores are always full and they make bigger profits every year, so if you don't like them don't shop there!!!

Whatever you buy from any supermarket you get what you pay for.

27 Apr 2011 16:34

Tesco is too expensive, I dont want a points card ...gimme Asda anyday with 'polite' staff!

28 Apr 2011 16:04

Interesting and amusing story:

Tesco has cut back its offer to refund double the difference on products bought for less in Asda, blaming "savvy" shoppers.

The supermarket giant said that it would now only refund the difference in price - rather than double the difference.

It claimed that a "cottage industry of savvy and determined people" had been making money from the promotion.

In March, Tesco introduced a £20 maximum refund.

The supermarket said that some people were identifying products on promotion at Asda, then buying the same products at Tesco.

They would then get double-the-difference coupons and buy more of the same products with the coupons.

"Some people have misused the scheme to cash in," a Tesco spokesman said.

An Asda spokesman said: "Clearly they found it hard to make a promise they could not keep."

28 Apr 2011 18:07

Nice one Art...for years I never went to Asda until I got fed up of the grumpy checkout staff at Tesco NA, tried Asda, hadnt a clue where things were, liked the prices and staff. will never look back just 'roll back'!.

07 Jun 2011 08:49

Action needed to save local shops!!!!!

Letters page of todays

Could be talking about Dawlish

07 Jun 2011 11:50

Also todays Express and Echo

10 Jun 2011 10:36

LOCAL shops only survive if 'locals' use them, the demise of local shops all over the UK is the result of people using supermarkets, don't blame the supermarkets, they only stay in business because people use them!!.

A Tescos next door to Sainsburys, excellent idea, the sooner the better.

10 Jun 2011 23:21

So you want to clutter up Dawlish with two supermarkets both offering the same product ranges and prices? What's the point in that?

11 Jun 2011 03:34

Last time i went in sainsburys the shop had signs "Pricewatch" all over the store.It then stated that it was the same price as Tesco.Yipee price fixing.

I also bought some spuds from Tesco.British spuds all the way from Scotland and they were dearer than our local greengrocers.

11 Jun 2011 10:12

Clearly local shops have nothing to worry about then, so why all the objection to the majority of the population having a choice? The vegetables I bought last week from Sainsburys were exactly half the price per kilo as the same item from Stokes. As a regular shopper at Stokes I know exactly what everything costs and comparing like for like they are very expensive compared to Lidl or Sainsburys, but travelling to Newton Abbot isn't worth the trouble for a few items.

To repeat, if the local shops are so competitive then they clearly have nothing to worry about, obviously as the local shops are so much cheaper than Sainsburys then Sainsburys will close down and Tesco won't open knowing they can't compete with local shops.

12 Jun 2011 03:15

If Sainsburys had done their research they would have found out Dawlish has a 'negative' bug ,,as so many posts on here on almost 'everything' prove..they would not have wanted to open up. I am totally convinced people will deslike the stores for some reason or other,..staff..prices etc. no need to worry. Their business will be from Starcross area and passing traffic. Mind I bet people in Dawlish are after a job there!

12 Jun 2011 06:54

It seems as 70% of locals already shop out of town, mainly in Exeter and Newton Abbot, please refer to following link

Now this 70% don't need to travel so far.

Neither Sainsburys or Tescos will have a failed store, the only stores they ever close are when Sainsburys or Tesco build a bigger newer store nearby. This is happening quite a lot in the Manchester and BIrmingham areas were the original stores can't cope with the customer volumes so they are closed as bigger stores are opened nearby.

12 Jun 2011 10:52

This 70% figure as used by Sainsbury's to prove to the planning dept that there was in fact a need for a supermarket in Dawlish is just a con trick which Teignbridge fell for. The obvious reason why these people shop in Exeter and Newton is because they work there and do their shopping on the way home.

With 5-6 weeks to go before Sainsbury's open and no real reason why Tesco shouldnt be open for Christmas its rather to late for the local businesses to start worrying or complaining. They should have got off their lazy backsides in 2008 and campaigned against the planning in the first place.

The two stores will never be busy or profitable as the current population fiqure of around 12,500 locally is insurficient to sustain such, during the Winter period especially.

The only feasable reason for construction is the race for total number of stores open and the No 1 status they both so much crave attatched to this. Their only hope is that a huge programe of local house building will boost the footfall. This however would be bad move for Dawlish as there are still no new job oppertunities in town.

19 Jun 2011 12:31

The Tesco decision was promised in 4 weeks, this week is the 4th so hopefully we will know within the next few days what the decision is, I would be very surprised if Tesco is rejected.

Apparently, it they are then Tesco will simply start the whole process of planning application all over again, so probably better they get permission now to save the ratepayers some money.

22 Jun 2011 03:30

Yes Tesco should be given permission to set up shop as most people in the Dawlish area want a Tesco supermarket.

22 Jun 2011 06:10

So who says MOST people in Dawlish want Tesco then? I have never been balloted and would never have voted for them

22 Jun 2011 07:54

Everyone I have asked; want a Tesco supermarket.

22 Jun 2011 08:12

I don't want a Tesco

22 Jun 2011 08:15

Tesco are nothing but a great marketing organisation,who bully every one & anyone they are expensive apart from the very few loss leaders that they push in your face to win you over & like mindless sheep you club card sheep cant get enough at what expense who cares as long as you get your bucket of chicken nuggets for a £1.

22 Jun 2011 08:20

I've just checked the Dawlish Gazette:

Tesco loses! :-)

22 Jun 2011 09:39

What a pity, let's hope they put in their planning application again ASAP, be great if we could also have a LIDL, very unfair for Dawlish that we only have a choice of Sainsburys and Co-op.

22 Jun 2011 10:25

Are you for real !!!!!! or just a stirrer 2 supermarkets would have killed the town completely at least now it stands a chance and people have a choice LOCAL SHOPS or Sainsburys

23 Jun 2011 03:07

Woopee, thank goodness no Tesco, at least Sainsbury has an ethics policy unlike Tesco who couldnt produce one, and as for 007.s comment , how many is everyone? not 26,000 im sure.

23 Jun 2011 04:25

007 ..Tesco are already in Dawlish... they own One Stop..

Settle down now Sainsburys will open soon and I cant see why Dawlish should be the only town in the country with no big store...other towns survive, Crediton panicked when Tesco opened and they have Morrisons too, the town is doing ok because people dont stear clear of it, they have to go through the town as you do Dawlish.

as for LIDL they wouldnt touch Dawlish with a barge pole .. a difficult trading area, i'm thinking must be summit in the Dawlish water!!! lol..

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