Charlie Sheen, is all over the news this week because he's a celebrity drug addict. Justin Bieber was all over the news for 2 days this week because he cut his hair. While Andrew Wilfahrt 31, Brian Tabada 21, Rudolph Hizon 22, Chauncy Mays 25, Christopher Stark 22, Kristopher Gould 25, David Fahey 23 are all soldiers who gave their lives this week with no media mention. Honor THEM by re-posting this status R.I.P
(For Liam O’Neill and in memory of my grandparents)
The poppy’s capsule oozes juice
That brings us sleep, helps ease our pain.
On one more continent the seeds
Are mixed with dust and blood as we
Forget that we must not forget.
The poppies bloom, their beauty fades,
Their petals scatter on the ground.
In Flanders or in Afghan fields,
While poppies weep their latex tears,
We plant our flowers once again.