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boyzx x x x x x x x

babybee x x x x
babybee x x x x
12 Oct 2006 10:01

there is not eno0ugh desernt boys out there most off them wont to use u and hert u they aint got a clew how they hert u do they if ther is a good boy out there wright back init and if any 1 agrees wright back x x x

12 Oct 2006 12:05

I'm a guy, and yes I agree with you there are hardly any decent lad's in Dawlish, they are to busy focused on booze, sex and drugs, and fast cars and cruzing around town at night. Unfortunately love hurts, but only if someone makes it hurt, and you are correct to many people like to sue others for the hell of it.

I myself, work and run many projects in Dawlish and its surroundings areas, and at a young age myself can not understand what has happen to the majority of the youth today, and it saddens me the behaviour they inflict on themselves and upon others.


12 Oct 2006 12:37

I can only asume you have recently split up from someone reading your threds and replys to other forums.

I too am in the same boat, and I totally agree there is no-one in Dawlish or if there are they are very well hidden.

I shouldn't worry about it anyway at the moment if you have just split from someone, you could probably do with time on your own without all the hassel!!!

TDC was right in what he has said and maybe we should clone him as he seems level headed and mature, unlike most of Dawlish!

12 Oct 2006 15:25

Thanks for the words Anon, and yes I agree with you, sit back and enjoy life for a while, there is never a rush to be with someone, just enjoy the single life.

And as for the clone, no thanks, it would do my head in double time, but I agree that all the mature people seem to hibernate, and I’m not going to be one for that, I was put on earth like all for a reason, and I choose to make it a good reason.

12 Oct 2006 15:35

i agree!!!lol how cool r we on dawlish discussssion!he he lol and boys r gay xx

202 64 244 50
202 64 244 50
13 Oct 2006 09:37

99% of the girls in Dawlish only aim to marry local boys in any case.

Set your sights beyond local men and you'll find the world is your oyster.

Having said that - I met a Dawlish guy who lives in Beech Street - can't remember his name but he is baby Luke's Dad, who managed to secure himself a beautiful Beijing bride who had studied at Oxbridge. A remarkable and unprecedented accomplishment for a Dawlish-based male.

Death Squad
Death Squad
13 Oct 2006 20:51

I think you should go back to school you iliterate bitch! Your spelling is s**t

13 Oct 2006 21:06

'iliterate' is spelt 'illiterate' you illiterate dickhead. I think you should go back to school too!

14 Oct 2006 09:50

"Death Squad" Who are you aiming your post at about spellings?

Death Squad
Death Squad
14 Oct 2006 14:15

Baybee x x x x

14 Oct 2006 23:56

I learnt to spell, and to punctuate, and to grammatically compose, when I went to school.
What on earth does the this message mean?

"there is not eno0ugh desernt boys out there most off them wont to use u and hert u they aint got a clew how they hert u do they if ther is a good boy out there wright back init and if any 1 agrees wright back"

Get a life
Get a life
15 Oct 2006 07:31

Not everyone has had the same privileges as you and not everyone is english, and just because you can spell does not mean you are a sentient being, a point which you have just made clear.

I take it you have not read Irvine Welsh's Trainspotting?

15 Oct 2006 11:02

spilin dnnt mata x init x

Norfolk Enchants
Norfolk Enchants
17 Oct 2006 11:34

Can anyone please translate this into human / english grammar!

"there is not eno0ugh desernt boys out there most off them wont to use u and hert u they aint got a clew how they hert u do they if ther is a good boy out there wright back init and if any 1 agrees wright back x x x"

I have tried to paste this into my microsoft spell checker - nearly melted my bloody hard-drive!!

If someone can translate this - i may be able to post a reply or comment - until then - hjuy hjgjtrjd hgturjfnbv fkghloooidls cnvfhng sderyungff dccc yyyid!

sexy nurse
sexy nurse
21 Jun 2007 11:02

there are not enough decent boys out there most off them want to go out with you and then hurt you they haven't got a clue how they hurt much they you do they? If there is a good boy out there write back and if anyone agrees write back x x x

there you go i took out init because theres no point leaving it in

22 Jun 2007 10:16

is this A****

23 Jun 2007 15:14

Leaving aside the illiteracy, which is a sad story in itself...

As a general rule, boys are after sex while girls are after love. Hence girls get hurt.

This is not just a local problem afflicting Dawlish; you'll find it throughout the world. Probably even in Exeter.

boy with luv 2 give
boy with luv 2 give
25 Jun 2007 09:37

im a nice boy n i dnt want sex ok

just need a gf so if u intrested then come to my house and i show u a gd time (not sex)

wink wink nudge nudge


I think you re a twat
I think you re a twat
29 Aug 2007 11:13


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