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General Discussion

The S.I.W challenge the D.B.S to a dual.....

09 Oct 2006 20:35

Come on then D.B.S lets see what your made of.
lets stop the violence once and for all.
book your hospital beds now. Dawlish will be a better and safer place without you.

12 Oct 2006 09:36

Webmaster, once again failed to act upon a post, this post is inflicting the need of violence, plans, and unpleasant message that dose not go with Dawlish reputation, the fact that such a post is being made is disgusting in its own block.

But why are there no sensible people on these boards, I've never seen such insults in my life.

12 Oct 2006 09:51

hi me name s bee u seem to think u r a gngster init lol

15 Oct 2006 17:40

First of all, who are the sill little boys calling themselves the S.I.W?
Secondly, don't you mean DUEL. Get your spelling correct silly boy, or mummy will take down your panty wantys and smack your botty wotty. Also, GET A LIFE YOU SAD PRAT.

Daw Vale Grannies DVG
Daw Vale Grannies DVG
16 Oct 2006 04:15

If we lose, we will give you all blow jobs.

If we win, you have to give us 15 minutes rimming, and listen to our anecdotes about disrespectful young people and wheelie bins.

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