Even the Daily Mail, that bastion of conservative middle England, seems non too impressed with the government's proposals. See: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/article-1328298/Graduate-debt-trap-Students-paying-loans-children-university.html
Of course, It's good to screw people on benefits who are, by definition, "scroungers" to one degree or another. Different matter when it is your own children and the cost of their education. Don
I reckon the last few years of the 13 years of Labour of their 'spend spend' plan was to ensure the next Governmwnt would have a tough time and be so unpopular, then get back into power again that way, hope they will find some new credit cards to borrow from lol. People have short memories, they may even get Tony Blair back!
I read the other day that many students cant get into Uni because there are not enough places, so it maybe the last 13yrs of pushing into further education was wrong. Also many graduates are unable to find work. Wondering I agree with you
I don't think it's just graduates who are having problems getting work. I suppose the question is: do we/the government (whatever its politcal hue)want more people to be educated to degree level or not. Some might argue, indeed are arguing, that these new proposals for funding Higher (not Further) Education might well have the effect of reducing the numbers wishing to do a degree. And yes, UK plc does have a budget deficit. But can I just point out that countries such as the USA, Ireland, and Iceland to name but three have also got huge national debt problems. So maybe there are other factors involved as those countries didn't have the Labour Party in power did they? Do you think the global banking crisis might have something to do with it? Just a thought.