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General Discussion

Late Summer visit

L & C
L & C
14 Sep 2009 15:50

Last weeks Negatives. Dog owners ( Locals, I am sure) continue to abuse the summer beach laws. I counted at least five occasions either on Coryton beach or Town beach that owners were allowing their dogs to wander in the evenings. When are we going to be able to visit the Shaftesbury Theatre? Nothing ever seems to be on there when we visit. Not enough places open in evenings for decent food.(as usual) Queen St chippy not up to scratch with food or service. We do have self catering facilties so use them more now in the evenings. Positives. The train is still an inexpensive way to travel & we used it to Teignmouth, Torquay & Exeter. The car was used once. Good weather. Visiting in July 2010 & probably April.

17 Sep 2009 08:48

Thats it blame the locals... I take it you don't live here then. What about those Grockles that bring their dogs? They don't care coz they don't live here so they just let their dogs off to run amoke anongst us. Bloody Staffs... I hate them and their irisponsable owners. When the beaches are free of people at the end of the day yes let the dogs run free. Incase you are blinkerd, the sea has a tide and when it comes in ittakes what crap the local grockles dogs leave and washes it away. As regard to the theatre, who wants to go there and then run the gaunlet of druggies and drunks when you come out I for one NOT. Moan about something positive and real If it bothers you that much tell the owners to clean their dog mess up or do it your self... What about cats... No mention there... Chippy in Queen St... Why do you keep going back if the food is crap... And also Trains.... Who ever heard of some one eating a train... It may be inexpensive but where do you go... only so far you can go... I love this space coz you meet so many dumb miserable peole who have nothing better to do but whinge.. get on to the local council for a dog warden which we are supposed to have had last year... has it materialused? ... Well....?

User 4549
User 4549
17 Sep 2009 11:06

Sis, You are right about the Dog Warden, I have seen him once in 10 years in Manor Park

Don Pearson
Don Pearson
17 Sep 2009 23:37

Judging by their posts in the Holidays forum, L & C are frequent visitors to Dawlish. They obviously enjoy their visits and, as such, I suspect that any criticism they make is intended to be constructive, rather than just whinging. Don

19 Sep 2009 19:51

Who rattled Sid's cage!!! I think a lot of locals do abuse the no dogs on parts of the beach from April to September. I myself have a dog and abide by the rules but have seen locals abuse the system but have not approached the owners because!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think L&C were moaning (at least not as much as you!) just putting their point across. They didn't say they were frequent customers of the Queen Street chippy probably once was enough by what i have heard. It's good to get feed back from regular visitors and i hope L&C will continue to enjoy their time in Dawlish and give us their opinions whether it be good or bad. By the way a realy good place to eat Trade Winds, 12 Station Road , Teignmouth. Excellence service excellence food.

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