It seems that thousands of people do not want to be included in 118800 telephone (mobile) directory, and because so many texted and used the internet their site crashed. They call you first to see if you will accept the call, what if a child received a call and accepted, who knows who it could be? They would then, I presume have your number.
Or am I wrong again Roy?
PJD, I understand that if you did not receive acknowlegement from them - which I didnt - then when they come on line again - who knows when - we have to text them again.
Jesus. How many times do I have to repeat myself??
The caller would not have the number of the person that the call is put through to.
"Jesus. How many times do I have to repeat myself??"
You are one arrogant nasty piece of work, try reading the post. ' I used the work "presume"
Calm down dear.
It's not my fault that you were unable to take on board the facts.
And here's me thinking that it's only children that sometimes needed to be taught by rote...
I say again calmly you are a nasty arrogant piece of work, and add SOB, FFS. Please take the comments you made and politely shove them where the sun does not shine.
It's not my fault if you are incapable of admitting that you were wrong.
One often finds that when a person has lost the argument, he/she then resorts to vulgarity and abuse. You and your mate Viaduct are no exception to that rule.