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General Discussion

seagull poo!!

06 Jul 2006 22:38

Did anyone see which seagull was responsible for letting a big one drop on my blue ford escort parked in the barton carpark on wednesday at about 2pm. None of them have come forward to accept responsibility so if anyone saw anything suspicious and can give a detailed description i would be extremely grateful.

Ann Onomous
Ann Onomous
08 Jul 2006 07:49

Hi. Don't tell them that I snitched on them, but the one you are looking for was grey and white, and had a very distinctive YELLOW beak.
Hope this helps you immensely.

10 Jul 2006 20:56

I'm really pleased that you spotted the culprit but finding him is going to be a difficult pursuit!!

16 Jul 2006 20:15

I think i spotted the wanted seagull, Iwas walking my dog
and saw 2 or 3 large black birds demolishing a carcass of
an object, taking a closer look i saw a yellow beak and
lots of white and grey feathers so i think the poor seagull
maybe resting in peace in seagull heaven

bang bang
bang bang
14 Mar 2007 20:50

bloody things r always pooing on me.
meant to b lucky though init?
next day, won a tenner on a scratch card =D
get in my son !
still hate the creatures shoot em all!!

local guy
local guy
29 Mar 2007 17:40

seaside sniper where are you?
Remenber quite a while ago now in the local rag was heasdlines,Fear as seagul sniper hits resort.. where r u in our time of need :D

30 Mar 2007 10:47

They were here before you !
.. they probably hate you. so get your bags packed and get yourself to peaceful London.

Seagulls never came in land until people started eating food in the street.
If I was a seagull rather than sit out at sea like they used to, I would wait too for the next Shearing coach and expect an ice cream cornet end lol.

Will all the people who hate Dawlish so much move please...then we will have all nice people here. Wow !

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