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General Discussion


A fed up customer
A fed up customer
29 Sep 2004 13:24

Is it just me or are others fed up with the attitude in this shop.It is the main shop in the warren and gets the most customers but every year we go (and we go alot) their attitude gets worse. This year we took our parents again and even they noticed it had got worse.
If buying alcohol without a basket go elsewhere it says....WHY?
All these little notices around the shop suck. i must admit, they are getting less but more sarcastic. Its a gold mine but it would be better if you welcomed the people lining your pockets better.

29 Sep 2004 16:56

this shop is a sh*t hole

Steve Dixon
Steve Dixon
06 Oct 2004 10:09

well, what can i say. OK, the sarcastic notes are awful and offputting, yes, but my wife and I have been going to the warren for years. I don't know who the manager was when we went there last but he was very friendly. He threw in extra free items for us, and the staff there welcomed us with open arms that day. We recieved a warm welcome and a good customer service the minuet we walked in. Maybe its just an off day, maybe not, who knows. We will have to see what others say to this too.

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