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General Discussion

House prices will boom

05 Aug 2008 12:02

According to the Daily Express house prices are going to go up 30% in a couple of years. Here is the article:

'Property experts were delighted by the report, saying it now provided some hope for home owners battered by high interest rates, rising bills and a lack of lending in the credit crunch.'

How does this provide hope to home owners let alone first time buyers? I would like to move from my semi I bought 10 years ago to a detatched, but to do this I would have to borrow around £100,000 (say my place is worth £200,000 & a detached house £300,000). I do not want to add £100,000 on to my current small mortgage, but if house prices were to fall by, say, 50% then I would only need to borrow £50,000. This I could afford.

If you are a purchasers of goods (cars, food, houses, etc.) then you want them to be low in price. Why is it people think that high house prices are good?

Here is another example: Around 10 years ago there was a Cottage for sale for around £30,000 in Dawlish in need of attention. The owners couldn't sell it because no one would touch it with a barge pole. About 6 years later it was 'snapped up' for a mere £105,000. Then it was considered a bargain.


Joey Deacon 12 16
Joey Deacon 12 16
05 Aug 2008 12:06


05 Aug 2008 13:32

What does that mean?

05 Aug 2008 14:19

And some people believed the world was flat..................................ONCE.

Do your home work look at the real facts, not the ones that Joey Deacon & Co look at.
Those pundits that claim there is money in property are now feeling the effects, and as I have said before, "The knock on effects have only just begun to happen."
The Government haven't got any money, it is your money that they are using to prop up the flagging economy, and if you have not got any now, how can they use it?
I have been called the master of "Doom and Gloom"
I have NO axe to grind, I predicted what would happen three years ago, nobody believed me. Does anyone believe me now? I doubt it.
Another prediction I will make. Council tax will go through the roof next year unless there is a miracle.

Joey Deacon 14 31
Joey Deacon 14 31
05 Aug 2008 14:21

I can almost see your eyes bulging and the veins on your neck throbbing as you typed that! Wonderful!

The Government has no money! Classic!

05 Aug 2008 14:46

viaduct his mockery highlights a lack of understanding and knowledge

he gives out an im alright jack attitude

typical of his kind

Joey Deacon 15 06
Joey Deacon 15 06
05 Aug 2008 14:56

"...his kind", Roy?

Care to elucidate on this stock phrase of yours (one of many stock phrases out of your 'Consiracy Theories and Delusional Paranoia for Dummies' book)?

Thank you.

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