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General Discussion

The Height of the Youth Centre

P Lanner
P Lanner
21 Jul 2008 12:09

As I understand it the situation is thus;

1. The original Youth Centre was to have had the skate park come football playing area in an area part of which was to have been below ground. The floor above it, effectively the ground floor, was to have held the activities area/offices/meeting rooms/toilets/kitchen.

2. The new proposal is for both floors to be above ground with the vocational training centre on the ground floor and the youth/community centre above it.

So, whilst it would be true to say that it was always going to be a two storey building how those two storeys would be built, and thus the impact from the outside, ain't necessarily the same are they?

The original building would have been semi-submerged. This proposal, if built, won't be. Yet it is claimed that this new Youth Centre come Training Centre, if built, will be of similar height as the building for which planning permission was original granted.

What does 'similar' mean?

Milly Metre
Milly Metre
21 Jul 2008 18:23

Not at all similar then. Double the height really.

Or am I just being a silly milly counting it from the ground upwards?

P Lanner
P Lanner
21 Jul 2008 18:58

Of course the proposed building could be of similar height to the old one. Indeed, it could be of exactly the same height. However, that does not mean that both buildings would measure the same distance up from the ground does it?

The first was partially built into the ground this proposed one will not be.


25 Jul 2008 12:23

If you looked at the plans, and admittedly not everyone finds it easy to read such drawings, you'd see that the original scheme was for a skate park with a clear height of nearly six metres, and this was set below ground level.
The new scheme is for workshops,etc., needing about three metre (ten feet) clear height and set on the ground.
Assuming that the upper floor stays much as before, the building will be of about the same overall height.

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