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General Discussion

Youth Training Centre - the reason for the urgency

P Lanner
P Lanner
19 Jul 2008 13:45

Someone, somewhere, in the many postings concerning the Youth Centre/Training Centre proposals asked why the urgency on the part of DAY to seemingly steam roller through this latest proposal.

Can I suggest that the following may throw some light on the matter: the original plans for a Youth/Community Centre were given the go ahead in Feb. 2006. As I understand it that planning approval is valid for 3 years - to Feb. 2009.

See a looming deadline approaching?

But.....but....if they get the go ahead for the youth centre to become a part training centre then the clock starts ticking again (because this is a brand new planning application). Which gives them another 3 years to find some more dosh.

Geddit now?

I don't know for a fact if this is what DAY are up to you understand. I merely suggest it.

20 Jul 2008 06:18

Day is a waste of space, they do not represent the 'ordinary' people of Dawlish, did they get voted in, who has given them these powers???

20 Jul 2008 08:58

Olive - DAY are a group of volunteers. You could be one too, I'm sure. They seem to have lots of close links with the council though...

P. Lanner makes an interesting comment. Youth of Dawlish - This could see the brakes being put on your youth centre yet again. So the latest deadline would be for 2011, and even then, it would only be 50% youth 50% training centre. Unless of course they change it again and get some more funding... hmmm, there may be some funding available from South West Water by then - so long as it can double up as a sewage farm!

Milly Metre
Milly Metre
21 Jul 2008 18:26

having just seen the "height of the youth centre" thread - they could put that sewage farm in - just needs another floor. And using the current method of planning application (the Paul Daniels approach) the building would still be the same "height".

Quick Buck
Quick Buck
21 Jul 2008 20:54

Ok, assuming you are correct in the urgency suggestion, why did they change it so much? Just adding the extra floor, and changing the height. Those would have made new planning application needed. their must be money at the heart of it.

Jo Public
Jo Public
21 Jul 2008 22:13

Even if there was VERY good reason to expedite a revised planning application, there is NEVER cause to undermine the general public by not consulting. Consultation would have taken perhaps a few weeks. That's all.

Disaffected adult
Disaffected adult
29 Jul 2008 17:36

Look at the first posting of this thread.

Money and time, I bet ya, are the driving forces behind this planning application which, incidentally, no-one in their right mind could call a slight alteration to the already agreed planning permission for a youth centre.


From 100% youth centre/club to 50% light industrial training centre aimed at 'disaffected' youth.

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