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General Discussion

Funds for the Youth Centre

Section 106
Section 106
13 Jul 2008 18:10

If DAY are so desperate for funds in order to get the Youth Centre built, why don't they ask for whatever is still needed from that nice Mr Tesco or that nice Mr Sainsbury or those nice Messrs Housing Developers who want to build at the Gatehouse/Secmaton Rise area?

Then it might not need to be a Youth Training Centre.

13 Jul 2008 19:35

Is it true that Mayor Protheroe has purchased a huge piece of land at Secmaton to further his empire building? Ooh, the perks of Council work heh?!

14 Jul 2008 06:57

I have heard that his porfolio for property is quite large. How does a tenant of a watering hole amass such a large empire as is purported he now owns.
It is said that no millionare gets there by straight dealing, so does that suggest his dealings are not straight?
Sounds like it to me, and maybe a case for the fraud squad, they are very good at exposing the meanderings of an empire.

Section 106
Section 106
14 Jul 2008 07:51

Thank you Anon and Viaduct for your musings but do they have anything to do with the question I originally posed?

14 Jul 2008 10:42

I wonder how much money they could get from the football club too? They must have access to grants, etc.

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