Does anyone know anything about the proposed new youth centre?
Also will there be a charge for the use of the skate park?
Well, there better NOT be a charge for the skate park, which was funded from lottery funds, because I don't think the lottery would be too chuffed about that after donating the full 94k to get it built - that is certainly a no-go.
As for the long awaited youth centre - well according to the Mayor of Dawish, now the skate park is being built they can concentrate on the youth centre. However, I dont see why they had to wait for this first, because they are not funding any of it!!! Just another excuse, so dont hold your breath - all the money has already been spent on the Manor roof and CCTV.
Why did the council spend so much money on the Manor roof when the property is supposed to be in a bad state of repair?
Why couldn't the youth centre have been there as a temporary measure ?
ZIGGY! Now you are asking real questions and there will probaly be many different answers. The one I like is this; Councils thrive on your tax, you pay tax of what ever type ie, council tax, income tax, car tax, etc, and along comes Mr private enterprise and swipes bucket fulls of it from under your nose. It is called networking to the extreme. Only those with funny hand shakes are in on most of the deals.
Sorry, wrong planning reference. The one I gave you above is for Tesco. The Youth Centre one is 08/02603/MAJ.
When you look to see how numerically close they are you may understand the confusion.
I thought the building was to be a Youth and Community Centre. However, if you take a look at the plans you will see that although the space of the building is exactly the same it is now only the top floor that is to be used as a Youth Centre with the bottom floor being used as a "series of classrooms and training areas for disaffected, unemployed and poorly educated young people in Teignbridge".
Mmmmm....I smell a deal here. Perfectly above board no doubt but nontheless a deal. Along the lines of "If you want money for the Youth Centre to be built then you can have it provided that part of the building is used for the disaffected youth of Teignbridge".
Don't seem to remember any pre planning application consultation/publicity over this amendment do you? Any thoughts anyone on why that might be?
Looks to me like another deal. Dawlish Town Council getting things through the back-door as usual. This could be a recipe for disaster. Combining a Youth Club with government 'brain-washing' programmes will turn this project into a remand centre; turning out automatons for the minimum wage 'mincing-machine', which will suit the purpose of those like our mayor.
Unless of course, a more positive and uplifting approach is taken with the disaffected, unemployed and poorly educated and they are given real opportunities and hope, and not just 'bounced around' to massage government employment figures.
This does smack of yet more collusion to dig a Council out of another financial hole of their own making.
When will the malfeasance at Dawlish Town Council stop?
Town Council have promised money towards the youth centre - £150k, some released to get the funding for the skate park.
Dawlish Action for Youth are the driving force behind the project, they have drawn up the plans and submitted them, why not ask them about the changes?
Dawlish Action for Youth.
I believe it's their AGM next Monday (21st July) why not go along then and ask them what is going on.
The question i want answered is....are Dawlish Action For Youth in the pocket of Dawlish Town Council? Or are their aims seperate?
they have a guest page
email contact address is: