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Dawlish Library

Dawlish Library's Posts

It is time for yet another appeal for your dogshit. This is the third Dawlish Library dog shit appeal to appear on the website in the last two years. Please pop your dog shit in a clear plastic bag and bring it in, or put it through our letter box. As an option you may also include a label with your name and address, all entrants will go into a draw for a box of 'Black Magic' ...

Dog Pooh campaign
2 May 2005

Please leave it on the Library doorstep or put it through the letterbox if you have no bag. Be sure to attach a sticky 'post-it' note with your name, and you can pop in later for your reward.

The February campaign was a great success. Children who brought in a dog dropping in a paper or plastic bag were rewarded with a 2 pound coin and a Certificate. "I am keeping the streets of Dawlish Clean" This was signed by Mayor Wally Protheroe. The campaign will continue through March. Bring it on !

Dog Pooh campaign
19 Feb 2005

For every dog poo that is brought by a Child into the Dawlish library this week,(in plastic bags please !), A two pound coin will be exchanged for it.